Malaysia bolsters ISIS with praise and child suicide bombers


(CDN) – The above map is being circulated by ISIS fans on Twitter, and shows the organization’s dreams of overtaking much of central Asia.

Following months of anti-Shia vitriol in Malaysia, news sources have confirmed that dozens of Malaysians, including young children, have been recruited by ISIS as suicide bombers. According to Malaysian newspaper The Star, “Ahmad Tarmimi has the dubious honour of being Malaysia’s first suicide bomber linked to the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham.” Tarmimi conducted a suicide attack last month that resulted in the deaths of more than two dozen Iraqi military members.

“Authorities believe ISIL prefers the younger ones to become suicide bombers as soldiers would be less suspicious of children. Most ISIL recruits are aged between 12 and 18,” a source told the Star.

In this instance, “Reports state that Ahmad Tarmimi, who received militant training in Port Dickson at the end of last year, drove a military SUV filled with tonnes of explosives into the SWAT headquarters, blowing himself up in the process…
“His exploits were published in the ISIS official website with the title, ‘Mujahidin Malaysia Syahid Dalam Operasi Martyrdom’ with his photograph also featured,” said the Star.

VW News reports “ISIS… is apparently looking to example its territory as far as the East coast of North Africa and all the way into South East Asia, with Malaysia and Indonesia in its sights.”

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