IGP Khalid’s ‘yo-yo’ behaviour


First, IGP Khalid Abu Bakar ordered the arrest of Ridzuan Abdullah but now he says that police will not arrest him, only monitor him

Athi Shankar, Free Malaysia Today

Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar’s  strange behaviour is keeping everyone guessing. First, he ordered the arrest of Muslim convert Ridzuan Abdullah for defying a court order to hand over custody of his youngest daughter to his former wife M Indira Gandhi.

But, yesterday Khalid said that the police would not arrest Ridzuan, but only monitor him.

Indira Gandhi’s lawyer M Kulasegaran is all riled up with Khalid’s “yo-yo” behaviour.

Kulasegaran reminded Khalid that there was a court order addressed to the police to arrest Ridzuan, who was previously known as Patmanathan.

Kulasegaran said Khalid’s conduct was against the court order, which would erode public confidence.

He said Khalid’s statement was confusing and blatantly against the law.

He questioned whether the IGP issued the statement with the consent and knowledge of the Home Minister.

“Can the IGP explain other than the civil court, has any other court given an arrest warrant order? Can the IGP ignore this order”?

“When a court grants an order, the policeman must carry it out without questioning even if it goes against his wishes.”

“There is uneasiness everywhere when the nation’s highest-ranked policeman is seen as not respecting clear, unequivocal and unambiguous court orders.”

“If the IGP’s conscience is disturbing him, it is best he resigns or relinquishes his position before there is lawlessness and total loss of public confidence in the police,” Kulasegaran said in a statement posted in his blog.


