‘I’m against Mais’ chauvinist interpretation of Islam’


(The Rakyat Post) – PAS Shah Alam Member of Parliament Khalid Samad said the executive powers of the Selangor Islamic Religious Council  (Mais) must be curbed to protect Islam and the sanctity of the royal institution.

“Prophet Muhammad himself respected the rights of people of other faiths.

“Muslims don’t believe in the Bible or the Torah, but we respect their rights.

“In Islam, we never intrude on their religious institutions and places of worship, never at all.”

Khalid made the comments following accusations that he is against Mais and the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) over confiscated Bibles for the sake of non-Muslim votes.

He added that Malays were not stupid people who could easily be led into apostasy because they were unable to differentiate between religions.

“Perhaps Umno thinks they are gullible as the party has been in power for more than 50 years, but I’m convinced the Malays will not be easily confused.”

Khalid added that he had no problem with Mais chairman Datuk Mohamad Adzib Mohd Isa being an Umno member.

“I am against the way he is approaching the Bible issue, which is a chauvinist interpretation of Islam, bent on provoking other races and promoting racial superiority.

“The proper way is to promote Islam as all embracing for both Muslims and non-Muslims, using approaches that are in line with the royal institution as head of Islam in the state.”

As such, Mais and Jais had to be reined in as far as their executive powers are concerned before their mistakes tarnish the dignity of the Sultan of Selangor, he said.

On Malay rights group Perkasa threatening to chop off the heads of those who belittled Islam and going against the Sultan of Selangor, Khalid said it was only a suggestion and there was nothing seditious about it.

