Not sinful for Umno members to be given UiTM projects, says Perkasa

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(The Malaysian Insider) – It is not sinful for Umno members to have been given contracts to construct Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) campuses, Perkasa said today, hitting out at PKR for alleging cronyism in the projects.

Its president Datuk Ibrahim Ali (pic) said that questioning Umno leaders over the awarding of the projects makes it appear as if it was sinful for Malays to be given business opportunities.

“I am not an Umno member but it seems as if it is a sin for them to give contracts to Umno members,” he said in a press conference at Perkasa’s headquarters in Kuala Lumpur.

He said Umno members, like other citizens, had every right to be awarded contracts if they were qualified.

“In principle, every citizen has a right to do business. But now, when Malays get contracts, it is a sin,” he added.

However, Ibrahim stressed that the awarding of contracts should follow proper procedures.

“We don’t care who they are, anyone can get business opportunities, but on condition that the awarding of project be done transparently, competitively and follows the conditions,” he said.

He slammed Pakatan Rakyat leaders for alleging cronyism in the projects, saying some of them were also awarded similar contracts in states governed by the opposition coalition.

“In Kelantan, are there no PAS leaders who did not get logging projects? In Selangor, are there leaders who did not get sand-mining projects?” he said.


