Do you want another May 13, Zul Noordin asks ‘extremists’ who question Allah decision


(The Malaysian Insider) – Former Perkasa deputy president Datuk Zulkifli Noordin has labelled those who commented against the recent Federal Court ruling on the Allah issue as “rude and insolent” and questioned whether these people wanted another May 13-like riots.

He said not only did these religious extremists show disrespect to the Federal Court decision, they had challenged the Muslim community with threats of continuing to use the word Allah in churches and in their worship.

“If this is not insolent and rude, I don’t know what other label can be levelled  against these religious extremists,” he wrote in his blog in a posting titled “13-May 2.0?”.

He added that the comments made on websites regarding the Federal Court ruling – which denied the Catholic Church leave to appeal against the ban on the use of the word Allah in its internal publication,  Herald – showed that their attitude was even “lower than animals”.

Zulkifli also warned these religious extremists not to test the patience of Muslims, adding that while followers of  Islam were tolerant and patient, they were only that way to those who practised mutual respect.

“You claim Jesus taught Christians to love, but you are not emulating this,  instead you appear to be uncultured and uncivilised,” he added.

Zulkifli also said he was convinced that many Christians who truly followed the teachings of Jesus would not agree with the stand of the extremists in not accepting the Federal Court ruling.

As such, he urged these groups to respect the court decision, the Federal Constitution and the sensitivity of other religions including Islam and Christianity.

“Otherwise you are truly insolent and rude,” he said.

He added that if these extremist groups did not stop their provocation, they were merely creating conditions for another May 13.

“Or is it that what you want, a 13-May 2.0?


