Sarawak leaders rubbish Muhyiddin’s answer on ‘Anak Angkat’ project


(TMI) – Sarawak politicians have ripped into Putrajaya’s explanation that the controversial “Anak Angkat” programme for Sarawak schools was a motivational programme, saying the education’s minister’s denial that it was a covert attempt to convert Christian students to Islam does not hold water.

DAP’s Bandar Kuching MP Chong Chieng Jen was livid at Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s response to a question he had posed in Parliament earlier this month.

“Motivational programme? That’s a lie,” Chong said.

“If it was so noble a programme as the minister claimed, why was it suddenly terminated after an outcry by the students’ parents?” he asked.

Following reports that parents of students in SMK Balai Ringin in the Serian district were up in arms over Islamisation elements in the programme conducted in May, Muhyiddin had told Chong in a written reply in Parliament that the programme was aimed at increasing the academic performance of students from poor families.

“The information received from the Sarawak education department showed that the programme held on May 3 this year involving 50 children was a motivational programme and contained no elements to convert the religion of the students involved,” stated the reply to Chong’s June 6 question.

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