Why we must divide and rule the Muslims
This is called divide and rule, which will allow us to check and balance the Muslims in Malaysia, just like in the Middle East, Africa, and so on. And with the Chinese united behind DAP and the East Malaysians also united (due to the oil royalty, Bible and Allah issues, etc.) the Muslims in Malaysia can continue to talk and scream but that is all it will be: just talking and screaming and going nowhere.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
As much as most would hate to admit it (or live in denial and refuse to admit it) the Abrahamic faiths or Semitic religions are militant movements. Just read the Old Testament to see that it is full of talk of war, killings, genocide, ethnic cleansing, and whatnot.
The Jews of the pre- and post-Jesus era were extremely militant. Many times they had to be put down and taken into slavery. Finally, the Romans had to destroy the Temple of the Jews and today all that remains is the Wailing Wall, the place Jews go to wail in distress at the sacking of their most holy site.
According to the Tanakh, Solomon’s Temple was built on this site 1,000 years before the birth of Jesus. About 400 years later it was destroyed by the Babylonians. It was rebuilt 70 years later and about 500 years after that Herod expanded it.
Within 130 years after the birth of Christ there were three major Jewish-Roman wars, the final one being the Bar Kokhba Revolt from 132-136 that finally ended Jewish resistance once and for all.
During this first century of turmoil there were not yet two separate religions called Judaism and Christianity. As what Daniel Boyarin said in ‘Dying for God: Martyrdom and the Making of Christianity and Judaism’:
“Without the power of the orthodox Church and the Rabbis to declare people heretics and outside the system it remained impossible to declare phenomenologically who was a Jew and who was a Christian. At least as interesting and significant, it seems more and more clear that it is frequently impossible to tell a Jewish text from a Christian text. The borders are fuzzy, and this has consequences. Religious ideas and innovations can cross borders in both directions.”
Robert M. Price, in turn, said in ‘Christianity, Diaspora Judaism, and Roman Crisis’:
“Thus Christianity as we know it and Judaism as we know it never in fact separated from one another in the manner of, say, Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Christianity in the eleventh century. Rather, each is a finally dominant form at the end of its own branch of the tree of religious evolution.”
Hence, according to many scholars, Jesus did not bring a new religion. What happened was that over 300 years Christianity slowly evolved and broke away from Judaism to become what I always call Judaism Version 2, and which they subsequently called Christianity, a religion that did not exist in the first century but become one by the third century.
(I know Christians would get as upset with this conclusion of mine as Muslims would get upset if I were to say that the Hadith are mere fabrications).
Then, of course, three hundred years after the ‘defining’ of Christianity by Constantine, a third ‘Jewish’ religion emerged from the Arabian Peninsula. And, as much as Muslims would be offended by what I am about to say: Islam (as it is known today) was part Judaism and part non-Catholic (or non-Trinity) Christianity. The close links between Islam and, say, Coptic or Syrian Christianity (of that time), cannot be denied.
Islam is about submission, submission to the one and only true God, Allah. And the mission and vision of Islam is to eradicate all false Gods and false religions and for entire humankind to submit to Allah. Unfortunately, this is what the church also wants to see, at least up to a few hundred years ago (and which Christians who are fooling themselves would deny).
Hence Islam and Christianity are directly opposed to one another. Hence, also, until either Islam or Christianity dominates the world, we will never see peace between Muslims and Christians.
We no longer have a problem with Christianity, though, because since the last 200 years or so secularism has managed to ‘defeat’ Christianity. One of Christendom’s greatest architects of secularism, of course, was Napoleon Bonaparte. Due to Napoleon, the two great Christian Empires, the Holy Roman and Hapsburg Empires, have been destroyed.
Subsequently the Ottoman Empire was also destroyed but, unfortunately, that did not destroy the spirit of the Muslims to recreate a new Islamic Empire. Basically, most Muslims still reject secularism. And herein lies the problem.
Hence the only way to stop Muslims in their tracks and deny them world domination would be to divide and rule the Muslims. As long as Muslims are not united their mission and vision of a world dominated by Islam would be a mere unrealised dream (or nightmare for the non-Muslims).
And that is why the turmoil in Muslim countries is crucial for the non-Muslim world. As long as Muslims fight each other and kill one other the rest of the world would be safe.
A united Muslim world must never happen. Once the Muslims are united they will turn on the non-Muslim countries. So the non-Muslim world must support the many conflicts in the Muslim countries, which is what they are doing. We must help both sides or at least help one side against the other. Keep the fighting going as long as the fighting is confined within the borders of these Muslim countries.
The US said it quite correctly after the end of the Cold War and the bringing down of the Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall: Islam is the new Communism. This means Communism is no longer a threat to the western world. The new threat is Islam.
And to face this new threat we have to make sure the Muslim world is divided and is constantly in conflict so that they will never unite. Once the Muslim world unites it will pose a threat to the non-Muslim world.
That is the simple game plan, which has thus far proven most effective. So I trust you now understand what is going on in most Muslim countries.
And, closer to home, that, too, is what is happening. The Malaysian Muslims, or at least some of them, can be as militant as their brethren in the Middle East, Africa, etc. And with a 60% Muslim population Malaysia is a potential hot bed as well.
Hence the Muslims in Malaysia must also always be divided. We should not pray for the destruction of Umno, as many of you do. Instead, we should allow Umno to exist, but it must not be allowed to become too strong.
Then we need PAS, which has to be as strong as Umno but not too strong or stronger than Umno. Then PAS and Umno will check one another with no one becoming dominant. And the Muslims would be divided with no one group having the upper hand.
This is called divide and rule, which will allow us to check and balance the Muslims in Malaysia, just like in the Middle East, Africa, and so on. And with the Chinese united behind DAP and the East Malaysians also united (due to the oil royalty, Bible and Allah issues, etc.) the Muslims in Malaysia can continue to talk and scream but that is all it will be: just talking and screaming and going nowhere.