92% Dutch Catholics Oppose ‘Allah’ – “Its A Moon God”

Syed Akbar Ali

 OutSyed The Box

Did Jesus Call God “Allah”?Should Christians call God by the name “Allah”? They should if they heed the advice of Dutch Roman Catholic bishop Tiny Muskens. “Allah is a very beautiful word for God,” he recently told Dutch television. “Shouldn’t we all say from now on we will name God Allah?…What does God care what we call him?”

He based his opinion in part on the fact that churches in Indonesia call God “Allah” in the Eucharist: “In the heart of the Eucharist, God is called Allah over there, so why can’t we start doing that together?”

This suggestion, however, has not sat well with many Catholics. In a survey published in the Dutch newspaper De Telegraf, 92% of people polled opposed the Bishop’s view. 

Roman Catholic priest and FOX News analyst Father Jonathan Morris said, “I’m sure his intentions are good, but his theology needs a little fine tuning. Words and names mean things. Referring God as Allah means something.”
Even the chairman of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands, Gerrit De Fjiter, said “Calling God ‘Allah’ does no justice to Western identity. I see no benefit in it,” according to AP.
It is not, however, that far-fetched as many people think. Since its very beginnings, Muslims have asserted that they worship the very same God as Jews and Christians, the God of the Bible, the God of Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus Christ.
Some Christian leaders have disputed this. The Rev. Pat Robertson, for example, claims that “Allah was the moon god from Mecca.
That is why Islam has the crescent moon. The flag of Turkey has a crescent moon with a star in it. Well, the crescent moon is because Allah was the mood god, and that is the deal. But we don’t serve a moon god.”


