Again the May 13 threat being spewed with seeming impunity

Ng Kee Seng

Ng Kee Seng, The Ant Daily

Who are you, Zulkifli Noordin, to issue a stern warning to what you label as Christian “chauvinists and extremists” not to test the patience of Muslims?

Who are you to warn Malaysians not to invite another May 13?

Zulkifli, you are just a failed politician rejected by Malaysians and you are now clamouring for attention to get back into the corridors of power.

In fact, it is people like you, race and religious bigots, who are threatening harmonious and peace-loving Malaysians and Malaysia.

Still using May 13 to threaten peace-loving Malaysians? What era do you think you are still living in? The 20th century? We are now in the 21st century!

Just look at the Bersih and other mammoth rallies. Do you see Malays, Chinese and Indians behaving like May 13 bigots?

Only people like you think May 13 is still relevant in 21st Century ICT Malaysia.

In fact, it is people like you who should be hauled up immediately for using the May 13 threat of violence and bloodshed to threaten peace-loving Malaysians.

Zulkifli, a former Perkasa leader and a former PKR MP, in a blog posting on June 26 titled “May 13 2.0?” said: “Muslims have been taught to be patient and tolerant, but only to those who are civilised and have mutual respect.

“But when you step into the world of insolence and extreme rudeness to the point of attacking Allah and Islam, you will be considered ‘kafir harbi’ (infidels who oppose Islam) and your friends ‘munafik’ (hypocrites).

“And Islam teaches us to fight against the kafir harbi and munafik with whatever means necessary, which is allowed by Islam and the laws of the land,” he added.

He cautioned that if the extremists do not put an end to their seditious and provocative remarks, then “you are inviting a repeat of the May 13 incident”.

Zulkifli, who is no stranger to controversy, issued the warning in response to those who have criticised the Federal Court’s ruling in the case of Catholic weekly, the Herald.

He chided the extremists for not respecting the decision, reminding them that the Federal Court is the highest court.

God gave civilised human beings brains to think and act rationally. Only the irrational and those with inferior brains will want to resort to violence and bloodshed.

To comment on the Federal Court decision in a civilised discourse is only human.

Even Muslim clerics in Islamic countries have also said that the word “Allah” is used universally to refer to God.

“Allah” has been used long before the founding of Islam.
