Rest in peace my friend Rev Peter Young

peter young

Raja Petra Kamarudin

Rev Peter Young has just returned to the Lord. Goh Kiat Peng, another senior church leader, introduced me to Peter Young about six or seven years ago and I have admired the man ever since.

We first met at the Lutheran church together with a few other church leaders where we spent hours talking about Islam and Christianity after which we adjourned for lunch.

Peter was an active Blogger and you can read his articles in The Micah Mandate (HERE). You can also read what Datuk Dr Amar Singh HSS and Datin Dr Lim Swee Im wrote about him (HERE), plus what Soo Ewe Jin has to say about him (HERE).

Rest in peace my friend Rev Peter Young. You have taught me a lot regarding Christianity and the real meaning of love as taught by your religion. I hope that I, too, have been able to teach you a bit about Islam and make you understand why the Muslim world is in such turmoil, reminiscent of Christendom until about 200 years or so ago.

I really do not need to say more about the man after what Datuk Dr Amar Singh HSS, Datin Dr Lim Swee Im and Soo Ewe Jin wrote because what they said more or less sums up the man we knew as Rev Peter Young.

