Selangor doom and gloom


Will Selangor voters give Pakatan a third term?

Roslan Bistamam, Free Malaysia Today

There are two schools of thought regarding Selangor, in particular regarding whether Pakatan Rakyat can retain the state in the next general election. Some even wonder whether the Selangor state election will be held together with the 14th general election or earlier, as happened once in Kelantan and is currently the situation with Sarawak.

Some say Pakatan Rakyat Selangor is in such a mess that it is impossible for it to retain the state. We have the inter-party squabbles. We have the intra-party squabbles. We have the PKR party elections, which are an absolutes mess, with allegations of fraud and YouTube videos showing violence at voting centres.

Then there is the Kidex issue, the water issue, the Allah issue, the Bible issue, the Herald issue, and many more. Nothing seems to be going right for Selangor and one wonders why the Selangor voters would want to give Pakatan Rakyat a third term.

Hence the prognosis that this is Pakatan Rakyat’s final term.

I am not so sure though. I feel that the question, in the end, is this: If not Pakatan Rakyat, then who? Umno?

Umno Selangor is more or less dead. Even Umno thinks so. One wonders whether Noh Omar is really working for Umno or whether he is a Pakatan Rakyat Trojan horse paid to keep Pakatan Rakyat in power.

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak might not come across as the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but he certainly is not the dimmest either. So why can’t he see that Umno will never retake Selangor as long as Noh Omar remains head of Umno Selangor?


