And my response


Some readers have disagreed with my latest article(s). One even commented that he no longer has respect for me. I don’t know why this reader is of the opinion that his respect is so important as if his respect gives me an orgasm. Anyway, this is my response to just three such comments.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

No racist comments. The perpetrator be it Chinese or Malays should be given a fair trial and prosecuted accordingly. However, given Malaysia’s track record of high profile cases, I doubt anyone would be charged. The following are the judgements of most recent high profile cases in Malaysia: 1. Murder of Altantuya Sharibu – Judgement: Razak Baginda acquitted. The supposedly 2 murderers who were with the special task force, one Encik Sirul and his accomplice were acquitted as well. Their faces were well covered throughout the trial and pictures of the murderers were ever never shown. We all know the looks of the murderer who murdered Canny Ong but not in this case here. 2. Former Malacca CM Tamby Chik for statutory rape for engaging a sexual relationship with a 15 year old girl. Judgement : Acquitted. 3. Perwaja Steel fiasco- Judgement: the late Eric Chia was acquitted. The RM20m missing is still unaccounted for. 4, PKFZ fiasco- Judgement: Both former minister Chan Kong Choy and Tun Ling Liong Sik were acquitted. Yet, more than RM10billion have been overspent and unaccounted for. 5. Former Deputy Minister Kasitah Gandum for CBT charge- Judgment: Accused acquitted. 6. Sultanah Perak for the murder of a Malay girl suspected to be having affair with the accused husband sometime in year 2000. – Judgement : Accused acquitted. 7. Datuk Koh Kim Teck for the murder of a China boy who lived in his home. Judgement: Accused acquitted > Apparently key witness could not be found. 8. Former Sabah CM who embezzled money from sale of land in Sabah to fund his gambling habit in London. Judgement: accused acquitted. 9. This one is the rarest: Anwar Ibrahim for sodomy charge. Anwar was found guilty and is pending appeal. Given the above track record, would we see a fair trial prevailing in Malaysia courts? Our deepest sympathy are to the victims of the above crimes as justice don’t seem to be served here.

Chan Huan Wei · KMDC – CFP (Certified Financial Planner Certification Course)


My response: okay, that is an impressive list, but can you now list down the even longer list of cases that the opposition people won, including civil cases where the opposition sued their critics and won?

And with regards to those cases you mentioned above, can you enlighten us on which part of the courts’ rulings you disagree with? When a court makes a ruling they need to give us details. So which part of that ruling do you disagree with?

********************************************* RPK are you supporting those who are making these mothers suffer or are you saying that it is the right of some specific people to impose on the minority to the level of taking away even children. Looks like a minature Boko Haram group is already starting to grow in Malaysia with AG and IGP’s blessings. And who are those in Power? If we don’t hold them responsible for this unfair treatment then are you saying that everyone including the minorities must rise up to fight this “kezaliman”. Why should kezaliman be only on the majority point of view? Cant you see how heroic they are to show their power on a single mothers by delaying taking action since 2010? Now who is zalim? And you claim why only Malays are getting bashed up. Cant you see it is actually the mothers and children who are bashed up here. That too on a minority group that is already marginalized. Well done wira bangsa. well done. Give yourself a clap – good performance. Maybe you need Einstien to explain it to you. Be fair and people will respect you. Najib said use the courts to resolve – Is that not what the mothers have been doing? Apa lagi IGP dan AG dan yang lain mau. Suka sangat memisah anak dari Ibu. Have you not read what the step father who is as malay muslim say about Deepa’s husband? Sounds as if, if you belong to a certain religion you can get away with causing continuous pain to others and maybe even rewarded? Is the AG, IGP trying to stir up racial religious riot by angering one side and encouraging the other. As a father yourself have ever considered the rights of the children – the impact of all this? Not everything has to be from only your point of view RPK. Where are the moderates in this matter? Where is Nik Aziz, Where is Anwar, Where is Nurul who you so strongly spoke for in 2008 at the Bangsar rally? If I recall your own words – “Langkah your Mayat before the extremist could touch the minorities? where is PAS? Where is MIC? Where is MCA? Where? Now I ask you – was that all bullshit – dramatics then?(2008) If it was then how would I know what are you up to now is also not another bull shit?

Veerasingam Gnanasegaran Nehrman


My response: I take it your question is targeted at Pakatan Rakyat. Do you really want me to respond and then risk getting whacked by Pakatan Rakyat people who will say I have been bought?

Anyway, you sound like a government supporter the way you are whacking the opposition.


Dear RPK in a previous article you were sarcastic at people who are not honest to how they feel. That they keep to themselves when they dislike others is an act of hypocrisy. I do not know what triggered you this round but apparently these racists who make racist remarks are only being honest. So should these racists shut up and tolerate others or should they be honest and vent their anger? Everyone is at a certain level racist or selfish or greedy or whatnot unless they are deities or saints. If the society creates an environment of tolerance, then people would not lash out racist remarks even though they may not like a certain category of people. Where the government/opposition/society frequently instigates its populace against certain issues or race for political gains it creates victims through hate. The victims (being non-Christians or Christians who do not understand the theology of offering the other cheek when on is smitten) retaliates and becomes instigators. It creates more victims who further retaliates. in an unending vicious cycle of hate. Any faults that remotely concerns the opposing faction becomes incendiary to attack them. Even the fact that lovers from opposing camps would commit grave sins for being only in love. Otherwise Romeo and Juliet does not have to end in tragedy. It will be so unless someone takes a lead to change things. The government should do its part to ban racism and discrimination of all forms. Schools and religion should continually propagate messages of love and tolerance rather than hate and anger. The only way to fight fire is with water or an extinguisher, not with more fire and fuel. If you fail to heed then everyone will burn.

John Mackee


My response: as long as you feel it is kosher for racists from both sides of the divide to whack each other on grounds that since you are a racist then I have a right to be racist as well I have no problems with that. Just don’t grumble, that’s all — just whack and be happy about it. This is, after all, a tit-for-tat game.

I mean we cannot scream that you are racist and then argue that since you are racist I can also be racist. We need to be gentleman about it and not cry foul when we get hit since we are also doing the hitting. This “I am the victim” cry-baby has to stop.

