Zainuddin Maidin: MCA can go to hell

zainudin maidin

MCA is behaving like ingrates – as soon as they are brought back into the Cabinet, they bite the hand that feeds them

(Free Malaysia Today) – Former chief editor of Utusan Malaysia, Zainuddin Maidin said MCA has not changed its strategy of seeking popularity among non-Malays by displaying anti-Malay and anti-Umno sentiments, a trait copied straight out of the playbook of DAP.

“Completely decimated in GE13 by the DAP, MCA was brought back into the BN Cabinet and given ministerial posts by our Prime Minister and president of Umno, out of sheer pity. This humane gesture, however, failed to instil any loyalty within MCA, which immediately launched into its old game and outmoded strategies.” he declared.

“Its president, (Datuk Seri) Liow Tiong Lai, as soon as he was made a minister immediately wanted to show to the Chinese community that he’s got ‘cojones’ (courage) by criticising the government and by denouncing Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi for saying that the cow-head incident was the result of RSN Rayer’s abusive mouth.


