The Rafizi Ramli mess


Salleh Said Keruak

It appears like Rafizi Ramli’s so-called brilliant ‘Kajang Move’ is proving to be not so brilliant after all. What we are seeing is one mess after another.

Overshadowing this is the PKR party elections. There are numerous allegations of rampant fraud all over the country and the election committee is being asked to investigate the allegations. The problem is the man who is tasked with the job of investigating these allegations of fraud was himself accused of fraud back in 2003 during the party’s AGM in Sungai Petani.

This was the ‘famous’ AGM that approved the merger between PKN and PRM to create what we now know as PKR.

When the result of the vote to approve the merger was announced, more than 100 delegates led by party leader Omar Jaafar from Melaka, a man at that time very close to Anwar Ibrahim, walked out in protest and alleged that the result was fraudulent.

These people eventually resigned from the party, as did many more, some en bloc like those from the PKR youth movement. The allegation was that the AGM did not approve the PKN-PRM merger and the votes were manipulated.

Ironically, the person in charge of the vote counting at that time was Raja Petra Kamarudin, who soon after that also left the party to form Malaysia Today. Is Raja Petra not telling us something that he knows and did he leave because of the fraud in the vote counting on the PKN-PRM merger?

Anyway, in the end the merger itself proved a fraud because PRM did not really merge with PKN but PKN just changed its name to PKR and some of the PRM leaders joined PKR. Until today PRM still exists — so in reality it was not a merger but just a party crossover of some of the leaders and members.

So, is Rafizi Ramli’s ‘Kajang Move’ a success?


