Khalid to be ousted after Hari Raya


It is said that Hadi Awang has finally okayed the Kajang Move

Ruslan Bistamam, Free Malaysia Today

The latest talk in the corridors of power is that Anwar Ibrahim will make his move to oust Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim soon after Hari Raya, maybe some time in August.

It seems Anwar visited Hadi Awang in hospital recently to discuss this matter with the PAS leader, the final obstacle in the so-called Kajang Move.

The Kajang Move is Rafizi Ramli’s brainchild but is now proving to be a huge disaster. Rafizi is also being blamed for the serious rift in PKR and the strained relationship between PKR and PAS.

Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail will be Selangor’s new Menteri Besar with Azmin Ali as her deputy—either as Deputy Menteri Besar or Senior Exco Member. This will effectively put Azmin in charge of Selangor as the de facto Menteri Besar who will act as the proxy of the de facto PKR leader.

In short, Anwar will end up running Selangor with his wife as the official CEO of Selangor and Azmin, the shadow CEO. And with RM3 billion to play around with, this is certainly a lucrative job.

Hadi had been resisting this plan, at least until Anwar’s hospital visit. The latest talk is that the PAS leader has relented since that visit. Maybe he has other more troubling matters to worry about, such as his health, which is quite serious. Unofficial reports said he had to be revived twice when his heart stopped ticking.

But then again, maybe Anwar is just playing poker and hoping that Hadi will fall for his bluff.

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