While PAS hits out at Ku Nan, Nandos does it the witty way


(Harakahdaily) – Soup kitchens’ defence against the onslaught from Federal Territories (FT) Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor and FT UMNO Youth keeps getting stronger as more parties are rallying to their side, with PAS and fast food chain, Nandos as their latest allies.

In a statement today, PAS vice president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said the party disagreed with Tengku Adnan’s claim that the noble efforts for providing foods to the needy stood out as a sore sight for the Kuala Lumpur’s image.

Instead of driving them away from the city centre, Tuan Ibrahim said Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) should help soup kitchens in their welfare activities.

“If cleanliness is such a problem to Tengku Adnan, he should order DBKL to help clean up the areas used by the soup kitchens after their charitable activities are done, like the service they give to areas used for markets and night markets,” said the Pahang PAS commissioner.

With that, Tuan Ibrahim said soup kitchen activities could even transform into a tourist hotpots that would benefit the people of Kuala Lumpur.

He suggested that Tengku Adnan to go to the ground and witness the suffering of the city’s poor to understand their plight. Tuan Ibrahim also revealed that PAS headquarter in Jalan Raja Laut is also giving free food to the needy in the city occasionally.

“It’s better for Tengku Adnan to suggest that the 2km radius of the city’s centre from Lot 10 be gazetted as an area that is free from crime, secret societies, dirty toilets and potholes.

“This is actually more effective to improve the image of Kuala Lumpur than to ban charitable acts of the soup kitchens,” he said.

Adnan had earlier threatened to fine soup kitchens if they do not shift out of a 2km-radius around shopping mall Lot 10 in the Kuala Lumpur’s Golden Triangle business hub by Monday. He even said those who found donating to beggars within that area would be fined.

Worse, he, as a Muslim has chosen Ramadan month to execute the order.

Tuan Ibrahim said PAS would direct its Unit Amal to assist the soup kitchens throughout their activities to ensure that the needy continue receiving aid from those willing to help them.

Meanwhile, fast-food chain Nandos, renowned for its witty slogan in its advertisement, came out with one that indirectly aimed at Tengku Adnan.

“If feeding was a crime, we’d be guilty as charged. Our kitchens aren’t moving out of the city. But heartlessness should,” read Nandos’ latest ad posted in their Facebook.

For that, lets visit Nandos to break fast tonight as a show of support for their conscience and courage to take a stand to defend the unfortunate city dwellers.

