Penang Syariah Courts Ultra Kiasu?


In all probability there may well be no following election once the religious Majlis has been established, for it will be all powerful, absolute in its command, control and governing of national politics and indeed everything, and frighteningly unchallengeable.

Ktemoc Konsiders



Often we non-Muslims have been told we won’t be affected by the implementation of hudud, for the Islamic code of punishments only apply to Muslims.

Often we non-Muslims have been told to butt out of Islamic/Muslim issues for they don’t concern us, nor are we qualified to comment on them.

Okay boss, but anyway let me reproduce extracts of a Free Malaysia Today’s article, as follows:


On Feb 28 2012, the Syariah Lower Court here sentenced Halimah to 14 days’ jail and RM3,000 fine for committing khalwat with a non-Muslim at a spa in Jalan Seang Teik here at 11.40am on Dec 8 2011.

In September last year, the Syariah High Court dismissed Halimah’s appeal and upheld her conviction.

A normal khalwat case, you may assume.

But Halimah was and, last I heard, still is a Christian, a Catholic Christian. The title of the FMT article was
Christian woman wants khalwat case dropped before retrial.

And she’s right too – why should a Christian be charged let alone convicted in an Islamic Court for violating an Islamic rule?

Halimah, a Roman Catholic Indonesian

Whoever the smart alec was (wakakaka) who was said to have inducted by stealth(?) more than a million Indons into our country more than two decades ago to ‘balance’ up the ethnic breakdown in Malaysia’s population might have forgotten that Indons unlike Malays weren’t/aren’t all Muslims.

And it seems our mullah-brownshirts in Penang could have also suffered from that same ignorance in arresting and charging and convicting Halimah, an Indon Catholic, for khalwat.

Indons could well be Christians and Hindus, with Buddhists only a minority. During Suharto’s days, the officially approved 5 religions of Indonesia were Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Catholic Christianity and Protestant Christianity. In those days when the military was running the show, ABRI (Angkatan Bersenjata Republic Indonesia) further allowed its anggota-anggota berkaum Tionghua to be Taoists and Confucianists.

Their aim in specifying approved religions was to deny Communism any foothold in their society. Alas, they didn’t approve of relatively less known religions such as Bahá’í or I suspect too, Orthodox Christianity or wakakaka, definitely Atheism or Ayah Pin-ism.

When Halimah appealed to the Syariah High Court last year she made known her religious status, but as we noted the Syariah High Court dismissed Halimah’s appeal and upheld her conviction of 14 days’ jail and RM3,000 fine for committing khalwat with a non-Muslim at a spa.

In dismissing her appeal and thus supporting the Syariah Lower Court’s conviction of a non-Muslim on an Islamic prohibition, khalwat, a law meant only for Muslims as we have been repeatedly told, it meant the Syariah High Court had persisted in a wrongful prosecution and thus persecution of a non-Muslim by use of a Islamic law.

That’s frightening.


