‘Sarawak DAP is a ‘NATO’ party’


If DAP has proof then they should stop talking and prosecute the perpetrators of cronyism, nepotism and corruption, says SUPP Youth leader

Winston Way, Free Malaysia Today

The Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) Youth have decided that its arch-rival, the Democratic Action Party (DAP), is ineffective and merely a ‘no action talk only’ (Nato) party after being disappointed with “the continuous and non-stop rhetoric of DAP Sarawak chairman Chong Chieng Jen on cronyism, nepotism and corruption in the administration of the state government”.

“DAP Sarawak with so many state assemblymen who are lawyers should know that if one is to be charged with corruption, there must be evidence (and not merely hearsay) to prove beyond reasonable doubt to convict that person,” said SUPP Youth Secretary General Wilfred Yap in a statement.

“Chong himself has been an MP since 2004 and state assemblyman since 2006.”

“Chong had claimed that he had a ten inch thick document listing state land alienated at a quarter of the market price to companies owned by family members of some PBB leaders and government contracts being awarded to the same people without going through the tender process.

“If so, why is the public yet to see any successful prosecution against the so-called perpetrators of cronyism, nepotism and corruption?” asked Yap.

He advised DAP to stop its rhetoric based on hearsay and spend their time and effort in gathering proper admissible evidence to assist the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) in convicting the alleged perpetrators.

“Unlike DAP Sarawak, SUPP Youth is aware and has zero tolerance to cronyism, nepotism and corruption,” claimed Yap.

“We do not just talk about the issue, we have continuously made our stand clear and fully support the MACC.”



