End Game Di Timur Tengah

Syed Akbar Ali

OutSyed The Box

* Bodies found north of Baghdad as Sunni insurgents turn on each other

* 12 corpses found following fighting between rival Sunni insurgents

* Infighting between Islamic State fighters and Naqshbandi Army

* Increasing signs of conflict with other Sunni groups

* Washington  recruited Sunni fighters in 2006-2007

* Fifty-three other blindfolded bodies found

What is the end game for the Middle East? I dont think there is any. This game will not end. That itself is the desired end. The Middle East will be rocking and rolling for decades to come.

There is a simple solution for the Middle East. And for all Muslims all over the world. They must hold on fast to the book that begins with ‘Q’ which is from Allah and the Rasul.

They must dump the fairy tales that begin with ‘h’ and ‘s’ which are not from Allah and the Rasul.

I hope Malaysia will show the way towards this righteous path. And I hope the Malays will lead the way. There is still hope. Otherwise I will not be writing all this.

So there is no end game. What we have are the next series of disasters that are predictable and some that are programmable. Kawan2 dunggu, please do try to use your otak.

Saudi Arabia exists because of America. It is the most oppressive, rigidly controlled, authoritarian and even racist regime on the surface of the earth.  This regime has to collapse at some point in time. It is not a question of ‘if’. It is a question of ‘when’. It will happen. So when it does happen who are you going to blame? The USA? The zionists? OutSyed The Box? Bodoh.

The other regime that will collapse for a certainty is Iran. Millions of Iranians are leaving Iran. In Malaysia there are easily more than 150,000 Iranians who are awaiting transit to migrate to Australia, Canada, the US and so on. Have you been to Mont Kiara lately? Or Ampang? They are fed up with their country. They do not see much future in Iran. So it may take a little longer to happen but Iran too will collapse. Then another set of people will take over.

There is no end game. The game will just keep going on and on.

It is just the stadium and the players that may change. For example this year’s World Cup was held in Brazil. The next one will be in Russia. Two teams have already qualified – Germany the defending champions and Russia the host.  The game just keeps going on. But football is a wonderful game and sport. It breeds so much goodwill around the world.

Similarly in the Middle East there will be new players and new countries to destroy.  There is a new terrorist on the block. It is called ISIL. They have gone quiet the past few days lending support to the story that their khalifah Abu Bakar Baghdadi has been injured in an air strike. But they will be back.

The ISIL has been reported to have said that they will destroy the kaabah in Mecca. No one from their side has denied this news. Their accusation is that the Arabs have made the kaabah into an idol. I think what they mean is that the Arabs are not sincere in their devotions.

There is a verse in the Quran which dunggus especially should bear in mind  :

Surah 8:35   “Their salat at the BAYT was no more than a mockery and a means of repelling the people. Therefore, suffer the retribution for your disbelief.

Here is another translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali :

Surah 8:35 “Their prayer at the House is nothing but whistling and clapping of hands. Taste ye the penalty because ye blasphemed.”

Here is the Arabic translit : Wama kaana salaatuhum indal bayti illaa MUKAAN WA TASDIYYATAN fathooqoo al azaaba bima kuntum takfuroona.

(Err dear dunggus, this ayat refers to the kafarroo ok. Orang kafir. You can see it from 8:30). Their SALAT at the BAYT was nothing more than MUKAAN and TASDIYYATAN.

Just for argument’s sake referring Yusuf Ali’s salat as prayer, bayt as the kaabah, mukaan as whistling and tasdiyyatan as clapping it means that their prayer at the kaabah was just a time wasting series of useless actions. They were abusing their salat. It becomes just aimless idol worship.

And I think that is what the ISIL guys are hinting at when they said the Saudis and the Arabs are idol worshipping. They believe the entire system has been corrupted.

So it is the ultimate aim of the ISIL to attack Saudi Arabia. A few days ago some ISIL artillery shells already fell inside Saudi Arabia. There was no Saudi response. I think they are testing the Saudi defenses and resolve.

If they do attack Saudi Arabia will the United States help? The United States will not help. The United States is now a net exporter of oil. It does not need Arab oil anymore.

China, which the US now perceives as its biggest rival still needs Arab oil. If there is turmoil in the Middle East it is China that will face an oil shortage, more than the US.  So the US may be tempted to create turmoil in the Middle East as a strategy  to contain China.

There is one more player – Iran. One theory is that the Iranians dont really give a hoot about Palestine or Jerusalem (Baitul Maqdis).  The Iranian fervour about Jerusalem is just State sanctioned taqiyya (telling lies as a policy option). The Shiahs believe that it is ok to tell lies for a good cause. It is called taqiyya.

To the Iranians the most holiest places on earth are the Shiah shrines at Najaf and Karbala inside Iraq which are both firmly under Iranian control now. Najaf is where they believe Ali was buried after he was assassinated. Karbala is where they believe Ali’s son Hussein was also assassinated. Ali had one more son Hassan The Handsome who died a very rich man in Medina. They say he was poisoned by his wife. Wow !!

Iraq will most likely break up into Kurdistan, Sunni Daulah Islamiyah and a southern Shiah republic, dominated by Iran. So the Iranians have already secured Najaf and Karbala.

However the theory says the Iranians real objectives are Mecca and Medina. If they get Mecca and Medina under their control, they will effectively control the entire Islamic world. Folks – as the days pass this is becoming closer to reality than you are aware of.

So if the ISIL attacks Saudi Arabia from the North with the aim of capturing Mecca and Medina, the Iranians will attack Saudi Arabia from the South with the same aim  to capture Mecca and Medina before ISIL.

As you are aware the Americans are already cooperating with the Iranians. This man here Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani, the commander of the Iranian Qods Force is now effectively “commander in chief of the Iraqi Army” with the blessings of the United States of America. As the stomach churns ..



