Selangor Sultan says PAS rep ‘rude’ to suggest defanging Mais


(Malay Mail Online) – The Selangor Sultan censured Khalid Samad today for his recent proposal to limit the powers of the state Islamic Religious Council (Mais), accusing the PAS MP of questioning his position as the state’s head of religion.

According to The Star Online, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah called Khalid “rude” for making such a statement, which he said displayed the lawmaker’s ignorance towards the state’s Islamic laws and Mais’s role.

“It is rude to make such a statement and questioning the powers of Mais, as it is also like questioning my powers as head of the religion.

“This is not the first time Khalid Samad has question issues pertaining to the executive powers of the council and the State Islamic Enactment which he thinks is obsolete,” the state Ruler was quoted as saying by the news portal at the launch of the Sepang town mosque today.

The Sultan also told Khalid to study Selangor’s history before issuing comments that could upset Muslims.

“I hope he is more careful when issuing statements that touches on the roles of the Sultan and Mais,” he was quoted saying.

The Ruler then defended Mais, which comes under his purview, insisting that the council does not violate the rights and freedoms guaranteed to non-Muslims in the Federal Constitution.

“Mais respects the non-Muslims just as what is stated in the Federal Constitution.

“Any action by Jais (State Islamic Religious Department) and Mais is to champion the rights of the Muslims without disturbing the non-Muslims,” he was quoted saying in The Star Online.

Last month, following Mais’s refusal to return the hundreds of bibles seized from the Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM), Khalid said Selangor should consider amending the enactment that allows Mais to directly control the state’s religious authorities.

The Shah Alam MP had said this would ensure that Mais follows the policies of the Pakatan Rakyat state government and prevent the council from acting independently.

“We want the state government to study the enactment that gives executive power to Mais where it can order Jais (Selangor Islamic Affairs Department) and such and if necessary, amend the enactment.

“As we know it Mais is an institution close to the institution of the Selangor Sultan. And their actions can tarnish the Sultan’s image,” he told a press conference in Parliament.

He added that PR has the two-thirds majority in the state legislature assembly needed to make the amendments.

In response, Malay rights groups like Perkasa accused Khalid of committing sedition and demanded that the lawmaker be charged in court for his remarks.

