What are Malaysia’s goals?

Ahmad Hafidz Baharom

Of late, I’ve been feeling that we as a nation have become lethargic, and truth be told, Malaysia is in need of some introspection. This is plainly because we have no goals that anyone can see us achieving as a nation.

Hafidz Baharom, The Malaysian Insider

Former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg says that there needs to be a measure to everything, for us to know that we are headed in the right direction.

It is taught in Islam that if we do not grow better from one day to the next, then surely we have wasted our time. And mind you, Malaysia is wasting time and running out of it fast.

While we are barraged by the ludicrous statements of lunatic fringe groups, we have grown cynical of the Malaysian dream.

The phrase “Malaysia Boleh” is now said with sarcastic undertones when it was once a sign that we could achieve great things together.

Similarly, the dream of a 1Malaysia, a nation united as one, has now also been given the same sarcasm and said as a farce.

Some would tie it to politics, others would say it was a rip-off to some Israeli agenda and others still have problem explaining just what exactly a 1Malaysia policy means to this day, close to six years after its conception.

And then we have a supposed government organisation tasked with monitoring our progress, a national driver which hides and massages data in order to show somehow that we are on the right path. But let us be truthful, nobody believes them.

We still have projects of gigantic proportions which will make the nation better, but at the same time, we hear those on the streets clamouring for missing leadership.

Malaysia at one time started out with a goal to achieve a vision by 2020, but are we still on this track or have we strayed?

Read more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/opinion/hafidz-baharom/article/what-are-malaysias-goals

