No survey will stop us from enforcing hudud, it’s God’s orders, says PAS


Anisah Shukry, The Malaysian Insider

PAS will remain undeterred in their move to enforce hudud in Kelantan, despite the latest survey by an independent pollster showing Malaysians were not in favour of it, the party’s vice-president said today.

“No matter how many surveys are conducted, hudud is still compulsory for Muslims.

“PAS wants to implement hudud not because of any surveys or research, but because it is God’s orders,” Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man (pic) told The Malaysian Insider.

He was responding to Merdeka Center’s survey results yesterday that showed 59% of Malaysians, and 58% of Malays, felt Malaysia was not ready to implement hudud.

The PAS leader said that the party may consider postponing hudud to educate the people first, but the survey would not derail their ultimate plan to enforce the law in Kelantan.

“However, the survey was carried out in all of Malaysia. That is not fair. It should have been done in Kelantan only because that is where we want to implement it.

“We have been trying to enforce hudud in Kelantan because that is where we received out mandate, and the Kelantanese understand that our objective is to carry out Allah’s orders.”

He added that there were problems in carrying out surveys on issues compulsory to Muslims.

“When it comes to Muslims’ obligations, we can’t just carry out surveys asking them whether they agree with it or not. Something that is compulsory remains compulsory.

“I think if you want to conduct a survey, perhaps it should be on the public’s depth of understanding.”

Tuan Ibrahim also said the validity of the results were questionable as the respondents did not understand how hudud would be enforced.

“The problem is, we have never implemented hudud, so the people do not know really whether it will be good or not.”


