Why some Malaysians are idiot enough to fall for CNN crooked reporting?


Another Brick in the Wall

First of all, condolence to the family of the deceased affected by MH17 conveniently accused by CNN was shot down by Russian aided Russian Ukranian separatist.

After the horror and despair of undergoing the disappearance of MH370 four month ago, why MAS again?

In the MH370 incident, opposition took a week before starting their blame game on an unexplained phenomenon which puzzled the whole world.

However, it is hardly 24 hours but opposition leaders, pro-opposition portals and ridiculously over critical pro-Government blogs and social media are blaming MAS and indirectly to the government and eventually Dato Najib.

The line of argument used was why did MAS took the “war torn” route.

Logical as it is, that was the accusation used by CNN from last night and it has been repeated upteen times together with the American immediate accusation that Russian Ukranian separatist fired with a surface to air missile supplied by Russian.

Incidently, US had just announced an economic sanction against Russia for aiding the rebels. Their tone to is confrontational as they warn about tampering with evidence at the wreckage.

CNN also gave much publicity to Ukranian government statement and transcript of the conversation between two Russian millitary personnel with regard to the incident in which Ukranian claimed they managed to tap.

As openly known, US is supporting Ukraine.

Such is manner of CNN’s atrocious journalism that one should take everything that was reported with kilos of salt. The American have interest and CNN report slant is obviously questionable.

Unfortunately, many loud mouth Malaysian are idiot and too quick to fall for such trap.

The first noticed to blindly agree to the wicked CNN was Free Malaysia Today [read here] as the alleged that MAS flew that route to save fuel.

Stupid! To save fuel one fly high and they twisted the report to claim MAS was flying at 33,000 feet and another report later claimed MAS was flying at 10,000 feet.

If that is not stupid enough, Malaysian Insider [read here] titled their report to say MAS was flying at 300 metre above restricted air space. WTF is that?

Malaysiakini [read here and here] made same allegation by reporting the much touted mute Ketua Pemuda PAS, Suhaizan Kiat. Quite sure he does not understand aviation and took the idea from CNN’s notably unconfirmed allegation. However, he sounded more credible than Dato Mahfuz Omar.

Lim Kit Siang made the same allegation by reproducing an AFP report in his blog [read here]. The report quoted only Korean Airline, and Qantas stopped using the route.

However, it was mentioned that the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Air Transportation Association (IATA) declared the route is safe.

Is MAS supposed to ask the opinion of Lim Kit Siang, Suhaizan Kaiat and some wise guy bloggers and social media first before flying the route? Naturally, they rely on an authority.

If they had asked, they are likely to spin around to say MAS did not know what they are doing.

Unfortunately, some of our friends fell to the same simplistic logic to blame MAS endlessly. [read Syed Akbar here and Wee Choo Keong twitter here]. Surely we will not call them idiot.

Wondering whether they are in an over critical mode that they fail to be objective and ask themselves before believing into the conspirational CNN. One can be equally a dunggu for not asking the simple question of whether other Airlines have been using the same route within the last 24 hours.

They are accessible to ask the relevant people for information and clarification or at least to hear the other side of the story. Why did they not do so?

Too many are being judgemental and simplistically making conclusion but could not provide shread of decent argument and proof.

Only blog who answered it was The Unspinners [read here] that sensed and may have known that many other Airlines and quoted few used the same route.


