Selangor drama to drag on

khalid ibrahim 2

PKR is running out of ideas on how to make Khalid Ibrahim quit his job

Selena Tay, Free Malaysia Today

The ongoing drama involving Pakatan Rakyat and Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim  looks set to drag on with no end in sight. And this will no doubt cripple the Selangor administration as things come to somewhat of a standstill due to ill feeling all round, which is bound to occur in such situations.

In the words of a journalist working with PKR’s think tank, the so-called Kajang Move, which was initiated to unseat Khalid, has now come to a dead end.

This is due largely to Khalid’s insistence on keeping his job until the next general election. The PKR leadership has apparently run out of ideas on how to make him leave.

Queried on whether PKR’s leaders have any game-plan to go ahead with, the journalist said he believed the party would henceforth be watching Khalid like a hawk and would pounce on him the moment he makes a mistake.

“Still this plan may not work because although we bombard him when he makes mistakes, his face is as thick as a rhinoceros,” he said, adding that even his own attacks on Khalid through Suara Keadilan had been to no avail.

PKR has DAP’s support in its bid to oust Khalid. If a vote of no confidence is called for, the Pakatan side can obtain at least 29 votes out of 56. But that is cutting it too fine; so it was decided that this method was fraught with risks and therefore is a no-go at this point in time.

“We plan to get him out by the end of September the latest although I must say that his position is as solid as the Great Wall of China nowadays,” said the journalist.

Asked why PKR was hellbent on replacing Khalid, he gave two reasons: Khalid’s failure to consult his Pakatan colleagues before signing the Langat 2 deal with the federal government and his “extreme stubbornness” in proceeding with the Kidex highway project.

According to the PKR journalist, Langat 2 and Kidex are not people-friendly projects. He said Langat 2 would lead to a tremendous rise in water charges and the proposed Kidex skyway would not be much help in easing traffic jams.

However, the assemblyman of Sijangkang, PAS’s Ahmad Yunus Hairi, has warned his Pakatan colleagues that tussling for the Menteri Besar’s post could cause the people of Selangor to look unfavourably on the coalition and might even cause the state to fall to BN in the next general election.


