MH-17 crash issue


Hello everybody.

There are a lot of lies about the flight MH17 killing.

1) If You compare the traces of MH17 for the last three days, you will find it was shifted for 100km to the north by Ukrainian air control service right to the was zone. Why they do that?

2) Rebels has no weapons to hit a Boeing-777 because it flies too high and too fast. Rebels has only few “SA-18 Grouse”, which can go up to 5 km only! UA knew that so they didn’t close that area for big altitudes flights. To launch a “SA-18 Grouse” the target MUST be visible, but there were heavy clouds at that area, so “SA-18 Grouse” could not be launched at B-777 even for a try.

3) Rebels (and nobody else) can’t confuse Boeing-777 with An-26. The “Antonov An-26” is not a jet plane, it has two engines with propellers. It is significantly smaller than a B-777, it has a speed 540 km/h, and cannot fly higher than 7300 m. It’s impossible to confuse a B-777 that flies at 10,000m with a speed 900 km/h with An-26!

4) Ukrainians say rebels has a missile complex “SA-11 Gadfly”, which is able to shoot B-777. But to do this it’s necessary to have four vehicles of different kinds (radar vehicle, missile vehicle, control vehicle, etc). Otherwise the missile will not reach Boeing-777 because it flies too fast. Rebels have NO all vehicle and UA officials were reported by Minister of Defence about that.

Thus, Rebels had NO possibilities and NO REASON to shoot down MH-17.

5) What about the Ukrainian army? In 2001 they shoot down Russian airplane by mistake during army training. Tupolev-154 plane felt down into the Black Sea. Till last moment when divers had lifted pieces of airplane from bottom of the sea, Ukrainian army and President Kuchma were refusing to accept the shooting down fact. Even after that they refused to take responsibility by saying “it’s not so big deal!”

There are a lot of evidences that MH-17 was shoot down by Ukrainian army using “SA-11 Gadfly” or by Jet Fighter. Just few minutes after the crash they declared it was a rebel attack. How come they knew that so quickly? Usually it takes a few hour to ensure what happened.

All above-mentioned facts are well known, there are a lot of info about this incident. However, USA and Ukraine just blame the rebels or Russia, they are not interested in a clear and honest investigation of this tragedy.

N.B.: Sorry I couldn’t leave this letter as a comment to your article ‘They shouldn’t be fucking flying here’.

Best regards,

Nafanya, Donetsk

