Dollars and senses of flag bearers
It is only indicative of the lack of quality of the person, whose been there throughout the decline of MAS from a world leading airline to a presently struggling one. It is he who pick and recommend CEO after CEO that failed and leave but despite his direct hands in the failure, he is allowed to stay.
Another Brick in the Wall
When Pandelela Rinong won the first non-badminton Olympic medal for the country in August 2012, the NST bestowed her the honour of “the country’s flag-bearer”. [Read NST here]
It means her victory enable the Malaysian flag to seen on the winners podium. Having the Malaysian flag covered by international media, it raised the profile of Malaysia and that has brand value says advertisers.
When Monsoon Cup was under heavy criticism for wastage, the Malaysian government engage a media consultant to determine the brand value of the 2009 World Match Racing Tour. The Event Media and Brand Value to Malaysia was RM 538,833,381 (USD 164,806,049).[Read here] The 2010 event had a media value of USD175.8 million.
Facebooker, William Cheah expressed his anger to the unpatriotic treatment by some segment of the public to a badly wounded 77 year old flagbearer of the country. He was talking out of patriotism but had he put it in dollars and sense, only then the pubic realised the real value of MAS.
Let us first reproduce Cheah’s piece in his private Facebook that got published by Malay Mail Online, below:
Since ancient times, the flag bearer has always been a position of great honour. From battlefields to sports arena, the flag was always carried by the strongest, the most special and the most deserving. And it needed to be.
The flag bearer was the one that would lead the charge. It would be the point of rally when defeat seemed imminent. The flag bearer was the one who would bear the true essence of the flag it carried.
But with that honour came the greatest danger and responsibility.
It carried a burden that was heavier. It carried the danger of being the prime target on the battlefield. The flag could not afford to waver. The regimental standards must not fall into the hands of the enemy.
And so often, the flag bearer would be the one who would bear the heaviest burden of ensuring the flag was kept flying high and proud.
For the last 77 years, MAS, its crew and staff have been the flag bearers for Malaysia around the world.
Day in day out. Countless countries and people have experienced Malaysian Hospitality. It has been and still remains the pride of our nation. Since 1937. Before many of us were born. And it never failed us for decades.
Granted it is ailing now. Part of it due to mismanagement, we can’t deny that. And also part of it due to global circumstances.
But today, it is wounded badly. Shot by an unexpected enemy. An arrow that streaked from the ground and brought it crashing down on its knees. It’s wings broken.
So my fellow Malaysians…What do we do?
Pardon me if I get angry when I see fellow Malaysians asking for its blood. Pardon me for getting furious when I hear Malaysians gleefully seeking it’s death and enjoying it’s painful throes of suffering.
You have forgotten the burden it has carried all those years on our behalf. You have forgotten that it is our pride, our Malaysian pride which you poke fun of.
But I will rally with our standard bearer even as you seek to bring it down.
I and many more true Malaysians will fight for it when it can’t defend itself much. We will raise it from its knees. We will bring It back to where it belongs.
Soaring in the clouds and sky, carrying our flag, sharing our love and most of all, staking our claim of pride in the global arena.
Malaysia Airlines… I fly with you. Malaysians fly with you. And we are proud to do so. Hang in there.
That is an inspiring piece. Congratulations Cheah.
However, much of Malaysians have become to overly critical and took the myopic view of dollars and sen from the perspective of its profitability and the financial burden it has imposed on the nation.
Can’t quite remember but Khazanah may have pumped in some RM4 billion to keep it flying. Maybe it is more. Heck … let us throw a number of RM10 billion.
Looking at merely return and additional investment by shareholders is only part of the picture. If one look at it’s asset, MAS has more assets than liabilities. It means there is still a surplus.
Off course, some will question the assumptions with more specific numbers. Having been up all night clearing some of our outstanding work before getting our “night sleep”, we are not going to prepare for a debate to study the latest account now.
But, quite sure there is value to Cheah’s patriotism to keep the flag-bearer flying proud. If we can read the thinking of those people in Khazanah Nasional, they must be thinking of the easy way out of dumping or closing up MAS.
That is the problem of having an analyst and fund manger as Managing Director. The new director is now being addressed as banker but his real background was a stockbroker. The guy one of the wives insulted in the movie “Bonfire in the Vanities” as picking up the crumbs.
We are still puzzled as to why Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar is still being kept as Managing Director of Khazanah when he failed to turnaround three companies he was assigned to from the first day of his appointment; namely UEM, Proton and MAS.
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