PAS Youth should learn the art of not saying anything


PAS Youth better get a hold of their leaders before they start going berserk and embarrass all other PAS Youth members who may not be in the same “league”.

Zakiah Koya, TMI

For a couple of PAS Youth leaders obviously have yet to learn the art of humility and speaking up at the right places in politics.

For now, however, two top PAS Youth leaders should just keep their comments to themselves, especially when they are not experts in the field. The most recent one is Kedah PAS Youth Information chief Ahmad Tarmizi Sulaiman.

He was reported to have said that the flouting of Islamic rules by Malaysia Airlines has incurred the wrath of “Allah in the bellies of the planes”.

In commenting on the shooting down of MH17, Ahmad pointed out that the airline had served alcohol (which is prohibited by Islam) and that the flight attendants’ uniform crossed Islamic boundaries.

If he did say that, the whole idea of God being merciful and compassionate falls apart. For this is what every Muslim repeatedly says every day  in the phrase “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim”, which means “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful”.

And yet, Ahmad said such things, when nearly 300 innocent lives were bombed out of that plane at 33,000 feet high.

My question is: Is God that cruel to kill innocent people, because the airline was flouting Islamic laws? If indeed He did so, why is it that He made the Christians (which is what most Ukrainians are and what those who shot the plane would likely to be) to shoot that plane?

Why did Allah not make Muslims carry out this “cleansing” act, as Ahmad had put it? If going by Ahmad’s logic, then many innocent lives will be sacrificed because of the few who defied God?

It is obvious that PAS Youth still has leaders such as Ahmad who have yet to come out of their shells and stop spewing statements that give Islam, Muslims, and PAS, a bad name.

Ahmad should not only apologise but take back what he said – for he has insulted all Muslims and Islam. He has made Islam as a religion where Muslims believe in a God who is easily angered. He has also made other Muslims to have to now continuously explain and apologise.

One wonders how statements like these come out of people who are supposed to be youth leaders, when in the first place, there is no such thing as karma in Islam.

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