Stay together


Soong Phui Jee, Sin Chew Daily

Malaysia Airlines has encountered two aviation disasters in four months. It is a national martyr and an unbearable pain for Malaysians. At this very moment, what we need to do is to find out the truth as only the truth can comfort the spirits of the innocent 298 lives. We also need positive energy, unity of all Malaysians, as well as support and sympathy from around the world. We need to rely on each other to get out of grief.

The MH17 tragedy has shocked the world and as the victims are of different nationalities, it is no longer simply a disaster for Malaysia, but a calamity for the world. Unfortunately, some people have pointed their fingers against Malaysia after the incident, instead of the terrorists who committed the heinous crime. It is a blind accusation, a move of conniving the killers, as well as an insult to the deceased and their families.

Indeed, as US professional pilot and writer James Fallows said, MAS should not be blamed for letting MH17 fly over eastern Ukraine troubled by war as the route it took from Europe to Asia was indeed in line with international laws and flight safety regulations. Ifeng News comment writer Tang Bo Hu also pointed out that Singapore Airlines and Lufthansa Airlines that had taken the same route are world reputable airlines for their safety. Moreover, the airspace had not been announced for closure before the flight took off, and civil aircraft should enjoy the “right of innocent passage”.

In short, based on the known information so far, MH17 had indeed complied with Ukrainian government’s restrictions and maintained the altitude at over 33,000 feet. But the tragedy still happened. Therefore, the finger-pointing should be at the criminals who fired missiles in defiance of international regulations, as well as the Ukrainian government that has underestimated the risk, instead of MAS, an object of the tragic incident.

What kind of responsibility should MAS bear in the tragedy? Should international aviation regulators re-valuate the risks to fly over war zone and issue more stringent flight regulations? How should airlines re-adjust routes to avoid the risks of being shot? These are all very serious and professional questions. Laymen could comment, but should not pretend to understand and casually criticise, causing unnecessary abuse and anger.

The crash this time killed 298 lives and some 192 of them were Dutch. However, the grieving Dutch government and people have shown a very calm and rational attitude. In addition to condemning the criminals and demanding for the truth, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte called for unity with love to survive grief, while its people did not act like a small part of netizens who have pointed their fingers at MAS or Malaysian government, but instead took the initiative to offer flowers as tribute to the victims, or wear black armbands to express condolence. Such kind of mutual encouragement, as well as the noble spirit of unity with love are worthy of our commendation and learning.

We can understand that some people condemned MAS with a complex feeling of “love well, whip well”. After encountering two major disasters and in the face of terrorist threat, we should react like the Dutch, to stand united behind MAS and the government to bear the grief, while not allowing the growth of unnecessary hatred, and the killers to go unpunished!

