“That is why I sometimes do not like to talk to reporters” – Munir Bani

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Khalid Samad, the MP for Shah Alam, has written to the Palace seeking an audience with Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, the Ruler’s private secretary Datuk Mohamad Munir Bani said today.

Mohamad Munir however said the Ruler has yet to decide on the request.

The New Straits Times had contacted Mohamad Munir for clarifications following a news portal report suggesting the Ruler had declined to grant Khalid an audience.

“Maybe the reporter twists something, that is why I sometimes do not like to talk to reporters.

“I did not say that His Majesty declined,” he asserted over the phone.

Earlier today, The Rakyat Post published a report titled “Sultan declines to grant audience to Khalid Samad” and quoted Mohamad Munir allegedly saying that the Sultan refused to accept Khalid’s letter because it was not a letter requesting forgiveness but to provide explanations.

On June 17, Khalid Samad and three Selangor PAS MPs had urged the Selangor state government to review the Selangor Islamic Religious Council’s executive powers.

The suggestion had drawn the ire of Sultan Sharafuddin who publicly rebuked Khalid in a speech during a breaking-of-fast ceremony in Sepang on July 15.

Shocked by the anger of the Sultan, Khalid had then requested an audience with the Sultan last week to explain his suggestion to review MAIS’s powers.

