Say no to a ‘liberal democratic’ country, Isma tells Malaysians

Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman

(The Malay Mail Online) – Islamist group Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) Malaysians must stop the country from becoming a “liberal democratic” nation, alleging that it is a plot by the so-called global Zionist movement.

The group’s president Abdullah Zaik Abd Rahman said Malaysia must remain a country with a “Malay identity” since the Malays are allegedly the original settlers, and must remain with Islam in paramount position.

“As long as Malaysia has not become a liberal democratic country, it will be pressured through various channels. When Malaysia becomes liberal democratic, it will be as if the citizens will get their power back and can choose their own future,” Abdullah was quoted in the group’s website.

“But in reality, those in power will seize the profit from the situation by adopting agenda which will transform the Malay-Muslim identity of this country.”

He also stressed that the Zionists will use their agents and the media to dilute Malaysia’s Islamic identity.

“We want Malaysia free and independent, and administered by Malays who were the original settlers. Any calls for Malaysia to change its identity must be rejected,” he added.

An Isma preacher had previously labelled liberalism, the philosophy founded on liberty and equality, as the manifestation of Satan’s struggle to mislead mankind.

Its deputy president had also said in a forum in April that a democracy in which all citizens participate equally is a major obstacle towards making Malaysia an Islamic state.

Isma had claimed that “Western-style democracy” was a ruse by developed countries to colonise Muslim nations through soft power, and alleged the United Nations was an invention of the Jews.

In supporting the continuation of Malay special “rights”, Isma had in its seminar and events suggested that the community were the original settlers of Malaysia, describing the native indigenous Orang Asli as sharing the same ethnic roots with the Malays.

In May, Abdullah wrote on Isma’s website the Chinese were considered intruders into Malay land, and had been brought by British colonialists to oppress Malays.

The Malays and Bumiputera make up the majority of Malaysia’s population at an estimated 67.4 per cent of the 28.3 million population, followed by the Chinese at 24.6 per cent, according to the most recent census at 2010.

