The way PKR twists and turns your words


And this is what pissed PAS off big time. They never agreed to the proposal that Khalid Ibrahim be ousted in favour of Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail. PAS has not even discussed the proposal at party level yet so how can it accept something that has not been agreed by the party?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

‘We only accepted proposal on Selangor MB, no agreement yet,’ says PAS

(The Malaysian Insider) – The Selangor PAS commissioner today questioned PKR’s understanding of the Selangor menteri besar issue, saying that the party had misunderstood the decision made by the Pakatan Rakyat leadership council on Wednesday.

Iskandar Abdul Samad said the PR leadership council’s statement which was read as “… have received the proposal from PKR to change the MB in Selangor” had been misinterpreted as an agreement.

“That sentence was misunderstood as ‘PR has approved PKR’s suggestion to replace Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim with Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail’.”

“When in fact, just as the statement read, it only meant that we accept the suggestion and… it will be brought to the highest council of the respective parties and a decision will be made in the near future.”

“So, ‘accepting’ does not mean ‘agreeing’ and there is no decision yet,” he said in a statement.



So there you have it. PAS is being accused of going back on its word, of having done a U-turn, of backtracking, and of violating the agreement. The truth is PKR, or rather Anwar Ibrahim, is merely twisting and turning what PAS said, yet again.

What PAS said is it has received the proposal to replace the Menteri Besar of Selangor. The word receive here, in Bahasa Malaysia, is terima. However, terima can also mean agree or accept.

Saya telah terima cadangan tersebut means I have received the proposal. Saya terima cadangan tersebut can also mean I accept or agree to your proposal.

And this is what pissed PAS off big time. They never agreed to the proposal that Khalid Ibrahim be ousted in favour of Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail. PAS has not even discussed the proposal at party level yet so how can it agree to something that has not been agreed by the party?

And this is what prompted the party President, Abdul Hadi Awang, to issue his statement and set the record straight.

Furthermore, the issue of Dr Wan Azizah being a woman, and therefore unsuitable as a Menteri Besar, was not even raised, even though some PAS leaders have issued ‘personal’ opinions to that effect.

PAS does not want to raise any gender issues. After all, 53% of the voters are women so why would PAS want to antagonise 53% of the voters? Furthermore, the liberals would use this as an issue to whack the fundamentalists and cite that as the reason why the ulama’ are outdated and behind time when other Muslim countries can accept even women Prime Ministers.

Anyway, the Selangor State Constitution is silent regarding the gender of the Menteri Besar other than saying that the MB must be Malay-Muslim. It is even silent on the anak jati (Selangor-born) issue and His Royal Highness the Sultan has not raised the issue of gender, although it is customary (and an unwritten rule) that the MB of all the states with Rulers thus far have always been anak jati and male.

So why would PAS want to raise any issue that His Royal Highness himself has not raised?

This intentional reinterpreting of the word terima is making things even murkier than it already is.  And this reminds me of what PKR did to me back in January 2011.

In 2011, TV3 ran an interview I did in Perth, Australia (in 2010), where I responded to the question of how and why I signed that Statutory Declaration in June 2008. I then related the story behind that SD and I said that at first I did not believe the story I was told until I ran that story pass Anwar Ibrahim and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, who both assured me that the story was true and that they too have heard the same story.

The interview was in Bahasa Malaysia and I said that mula-mula saya tidak percaya lagi cerita itu. Saya rasa mungkin mustahil kot Rosmah……etc.

That means at first I did not believe that story. I thought that maybe it was impossible that Rosmah….etc. The PKR spin-machine then twisted what I said and reinterpreted saya tidak percaya lagi as I no longer believe instead of at first I did not believe.

Then they said I have done a U-turn and have changed my story and have withdrawn the allegation and whatnot. And that is when I was whacked to kingdom come and was accused of having being bought off.

For four long years I have had to suffer ridicule for supposedly withdrawing my allegation when in the first place I made no such allegation so it would be impossible to withdraw an allegation you never made.

Now PAS knows what it is like when one word is reinterpreted and you are accused of saying what you did not say. And PKR has the gall to accuse Utusan Malaysia, NST, TV3, RTM, etc., of spinning and lying when they are doing precisely the same thing to PAS.

And did not what I say in my TV3 interview in 2011 turn out true in the end? What I said then was that PKR and Anwar accuse the government of doing precisely what they themselves are doing. So, if we talk about change, but then what the opposition is doing is no different, then what change are we talking about?

That was the whole point of what I said in 2011.

