10 reasons why PAS wants Khalid

khalid ibrahimselangor

Here are ten reasons why PAS thinks Khalid is the preferred leader for  the post of Selangor Menteri Besar.

Roslan Bistamam, FMT

Why complicate a simple situation? As far as PAS sees it, the reasons are crystal clear as to why Khalid Ibrahim should remain as Selangor’s Menteri Besar.

1. Some Muslims cannot accept a woman such as Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as an imam. In fact, some even consider it haram. The Amina Wadud controversy in the US is a good example as it almost triggered a riot. Imam in this context means leader, not just the person leading a congregation in prayer. In regards to Imam (or Ayatollah) Khomeini, he was an imam of a nation, not an imam of prayers.

2. PAS is also worried that if Dr Wan Azizah takes over, it will not be she who will be running the state but those behind her. Dr Wan Azizah has never demonstrated any management skills. This is true from the time she was helming the party in 1999. It was always the number two who ran things hence should she be Menteri Besar, it will be number two who will be running Selangor as well.

3. Some PAS leaders, if not most, consider Anwar Ibrahim guilty of the charge of sodomy. For the sake of Pakatan Rakyat’s solidarity they will not say so openly but privately they will make this view known. Hence they will not support any plan of Anwar’s.

4. Most PAS people are royalists – they consider the Sultan the head of Islam, akin to a Caliph. Hence they will never defy him as doing so will mean they are defying the Head of Islam. PAS knows the Sultan wants Khalid to remain as Menteri Besar and as such, they will support the Sultan’s choice.

5. Some people quote the Bible controversy as one reason Khalid has to go. Khalid has failed to resolve the Bible issue in Selangor by not returning the confiscated Bibles. To many, this is a minus point for Khalid. To many PAS people, however, this is a plus point although they will not say so openly.


