Top Ten Reasons Why Pakatan Rakyat is a Failure


Citizen Times

1. A coalition is a group of people/parties/organizations who share common interest in reaching the same goal and work together harmoniously by regularly meeting and resolving issues/differences. Pakatan Rakyat does not do this.

Although PAS, DAP and PKR share the same goal of toppling BN, they do not have common interests, philosophy or methodology in reaching that goal.

2. A coalition draws inspiration and direction from citizens/members/regional population. This does not apply for Pakatan Rakayt.

PAS, DAP and PKR each get direction from THREE DIFFERENT party leaders who do not co-exist for the same goal.

3. A coalition works to build a healthy community. Pakatan Rakyat thrives by sowing the seeds of dissent.

PAS, DAP and PKR work for self-interest. Decisions made by leaders are usually for THEIR PERSONAL interests.

A good example is the Kajang by-election and MB issue in Selangor.

4. A coalition draws up guidelines and work towards achieving their goals by following guidelines. This does not apply to Pakatan Rakyat.

Pakatan Rakyat had differences when drafting their Buku Jingga and even when completed, it remains A BUKU – A MERE BOOK for show. All else is forgotten!

5. A coalition must have members which respect member parties/organizations but not Pakatan Rakyat.

Pakatan Rakyat coalition party leaders have no qualms about asking other parties to leave when their ideology or methodology do NOT match.



