EDL toll: You can’t have your cake and eat it too


Oppositions complained over announced “toll rate” for EDL but it is free for use to Johoreans and help reduced traffic jam in Johor Baru.

Another Brick in the Wall

For PKR and DAP politicians to oppose the VEP or new toll rates at the CIQ, it shows ignorance in governance and an irresponsible politicking that does not serve the interest of the nation.

The English idiomatic proverb, “You can’t have the cake and eat it too” means one cannot or should not have or want more than one deserves or can handle, or that one cannot or should not try to have two incompatible things.

The proverb’s meaning is similar to the phrases “you can’t have it both ways” and “you can’t have the best of both worlds.” Conversely, in the positive sense, it refers to “having it both ways” or “having the best of both worlds.”

The Malaysians or Singaporeans working in Singapore, earning Singapore income and pay Singapore tax, yet living in cheaper Johor Baru but using Singapore registered vehicles cannot have it both ways.

They can’t have the cake and eat it too. So pay up.


In the previous posting, Singapore could tac, but Johor not allowed to tic, this blog complained that Singapore is raising the Vehicle Entry Permit (VEP) but MCA President seemed reluctant to collaborate to do a tic-for-tac.

Johor Pemuda UMNO called for a VEP of RM100 for Singapore-registered cars upon entry. It is almost equal to the Singapore charges of S$35 on Malaysian registered cars. While the relevant Johor exco member mentioned the VEP proposed charge as S$20.

In his blog here, UMNO State Assemblymen for Kempas, Tengku Dato Putera felt it is only fair to do so. He wrote, “Singaporeans cannot drive Malaysian cars in Singapore and will be slapped with a hefty fine, we allow Malaysians to drive Singapore registered vehicles on Malaysian roads if it eases their purpose.”

DAP Assemblymen for Senai, Shu Qi expressed reservation to the planned VEP on Singaporean registered car by citing the loss of business to Johor Baru retailers as reason.

This blog argued here that it is not quite relevant and beneficial to the government. Doubtful that it will significantly affect Singaporean vehicles or tourist coming to Johor. Not with the cheaper goods, petrol, hotel etc, added on furthermore by cheaper Ringgit Malaysia.

In a previous statement for a group of state assemblymen on July 9th [as reported by The Star here], Shu Qi expressed her reservation by seeking the revenue from VEP charged on Singaporean registered vehicles be channeled to improve the public transportation system in Johor Baru.

Address congestion

Shu Qi failed to remember that government had a plan to address the traffic jam and congestion at the causeway from spreading clogging up the whole of Johor Baru.

There was supposed to be a new scenic bridge planned to replace the causeway and that bridge would be connected to the CIQ and a highway that would disperse inbound traffic from Singapore and direct traffic to Singapore without causing congestion to the Johor Baru central business district.

The CIQ was planned as a node for a multi-modal transport system for road, buses and train that would help solved all the issues raised by Shu Qi. The problems faced by the congestion by both Malaysia and Singapore could also be solved.

Since Singapore did not cooperate to demolish the causeway, the plan was only for the Malaysian side to do a scenic bridge. Singapore not only refused to cooperate but sabotaged by scaring off a former sleepy Prime Minister to cancel construction.

Sleepy cancelled the bridge after the CIQ was completely constructed and the Eastern Dispersal Link (EDL) is already under construction.

Life has to go on for EDL. It was already completed four years ago, opened to the public for use but face resistance to charge toll.

Initially, Dato Najib said no toll was going to be charged and government was to  takeover the elevated highway but considering the large subsidy bill to maintain, it is fair for them to decide to revert back to the original plan to charge toll.

Read more at: http://anotherbrickinwall.blogspot.com/2014/07/edl-toll-you-cant-have-your-cake-and.html
