‘Leaked messages shocking’


(Rakyat Post) – The theme of these messages are to retain political power based on race and religion rather than what PKR and DAP and many supporters of PR as well as the people have been led to believe.

Lawyers for Liberties executive director Eric Paulsen has labelled the alleged leaked messages from PAS which touched on returning Malay-Muslims to power as “shocking.”

Yesterday, Malaysiakini ran a report about a leaked screenshot of a WhatsApp conversation that revealed PAS leaders were mulling the possibility of leaving the Opposition coalition.

One of the alleged messages, however, read that if DAP, the church and non-Muslims harped on religious raids, the Allah issue, they could get back at them. It also said by year end it could return the Malay-Muslim political power.

According to the Malaysiakini report, a Pas member, who did not want to be identified, confirmed that the screenshot was authentic.

Paulsen explained such messages were shocking as it was more in line with what one would expect from the likes of Umno, Isma and Perkasa.

“The theme of these messages are to retain political power based on race and religion rather than what PKR and DAP and many supporters of PR as well as the people have been led to believe,” he told The Rakyat Post.

He said according to the report he read on Malaysiakini, he assumed the messages that were leaked were authentic as neither the Pas central committee member, Mohd Zuhdi Marzuki or any other leader of the party had denied them.

Paulsen asked what had happened to the promises of the Buku Jingga, the name given to the Pakatan Rakyat manifesto.

“What happened to the promise for a common platform for a transparent and true democracy, sustainable economy to generate wealth and social benefits to all as well as social justice and respect for human dignity?

“It seems at the end of the day for a PAS leader like Mohd Zuhdi, it is all about Malay rights and Islam at the expense of everyone else”.

Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin later seemingly mocked the issue by tweeting:

“That’s why there isn’t a cabinet Whatsapp group”.

The Youth and Sports Minister had earlier shred the story on his Twitter account.

