Retire, PAS member tells Anwar for dragging Malaysians into his personal agenda

Zuhdi Marzuki

(The Malaysian Insider) – PAS’s Research Centre operations director Mohd Zuhdi Marzuki (pic) has hit out at opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, calling him a “dictator” in the way he has managed Pakatan Rakyat.

Malaysiakini revealed that Zuhdi had lashed out at Anwar just a day before the portal reported his controversial messages in WhatsApp, in which several PAS leaders were discussing the possible scenarios if the party were to leave the opposition coalition.

Zuhdi in a Facebook posting had said that his Hari Raya wish was for Anwar to retire, the report said.

“I wish Eidul Fitri al-Mubarak to Anwar Ibrahim, with the sincere hope that you retire from politics, too many Malaysians from all walks of life are being dragged into your personal agenda,” the posting on Sunday read.

He said it was almost as if the PKR de facto leader had “limitless powers”, adding that Anwar had announced several moves without consulting other members of the coalition.

Zuhdi, the report said, had taken to Facebook again yesterday following his leaked WhatsApp messages, saying he believed the reason he was targeted was because of his earlier criticism of Anwar.

“I am just reflecting others’ opinions. That is the problem when only my message is revealed but not the messages before that,” Zuhdi had written.

Zuhdi in the WhatsApp messages had said that if PAS should leave Pakatan, the coalition could still retain Selangor with Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim remaining as menteri besar if it joined forces with Umno to form the state government with a simple majority.

He had also said that should DAP, the church and non-Muslims bring up issues concerning the usage of the word “Allah” and the seizure of the Bibles by the state religious department, PAS-Umno would be able to frisk off their complaints.

It is believed that the messages were leaked by a PAS central committee member to show the thinking of the faction in the party belonging to president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.

