Rise up and take back S’gor for the ummah


Heh-heh, look what’s cookin’.

Helen Ang

“Team with Umno to take S’gor”

All songkok and tudung – below – is what the ruling coalition in Selangor could look like if PKR remains dead set on removing Khalid Ibrahim from his Menteri Besar chair.

It appears that incumbent MB Khalid has the Islamist party’s support given the recent statements by PAS president Hadi Awang, PAS living legend Nik Aziz, Menteri Besar colleague Ahmad Yakob (Kelantan MB), PAS Selangor commissioner Iskandar Samad, PAS Dewan Ulama, PAS Pemuda Selangor and the PAS Selangor Aduns.

BELOW: Khalid Ibrahim + Selangor Aduns (Umno + PAS)


Khalid’s 28 votes to Wan Azizah’s 27

Suppose the ‘Kajang move’ kicks into the next gear. One option then would be for Khalid to declare himself an independent. Either that or he could even be peremptorily sacked by his party, in the event of which Umno will, and PAS conceivably might, step up to offer their backing.

Khalid together with the Umno and PAS Aduns will command 28 seats whereas DAP and PKR will have 28 seats too but only 27 votes because the Speaker (Adun DAP Subang Jaya) cannot cast her vote to move a motion of No Confidence against the sitting MB.

A realignment in the Selangor legislature will make the Khalid-Umno-PAS side all Malay while the PKR-DAP side remains a multiracial line-up.

There are no Chinese or Indian Wakil Rakyat representing BN in the Selangor state assembly. Every single one of the MCA, MIC, PPP and Gerakan DUN candidates were totally wiped out by the DAP during the last general election.

Najib Tun Razak Khalid Ibrahim Anwar Ibrahim

Precedent for ethnically imbalanced govt in multiracial state

There is a current example for this sort of potentially lopsided state government which is skewed in its racial balance — Perak.

At present, BN rules Perak with 31 state seats to Pakatan’s 28. Umno holds 30 out of the 31 BN seats while MCA has one seat and the MIC, PPP and Gerakan none.

BN has been ruling Perak since 2009 through a state government comprising all Malay Aduns with the sole exception of MCA’s Yang Berhormat Chenderiang. Despite the exclusion of Chinese and Indian BN reps in the Perak DUN, life goes on.

Below are the Perak excos who were sworn in after GE13 (May 2013).



DAP’s Raya present for S’gor Chinese

Now why do I say that the Raya present for Chinese in Selangor is thanks to the DAP?

Well, because relentless attacks on the Malay self-identity by the Christian-dominated party has served to demonize our country’s sense and nature of Malayness. DAP and their Dapsters are constantly on a rampage to portray any kind of Malay consciousness as something inherently wicked.



In the DAP universe, “Malay” is racist is extremist is bigot. The DAP killer question – “Are you Malaysian First or Malay First?” – is at lobbed at every turn.

Heaven forbid if you dare to answer “Malay First”. Do that and the DAP will mercilessly blast you to hell for all eternity because in their colour blind eyes … if you’re Malay, you’re racist!

Read more at: http://helenang.wordpress.com/2014/07/29/rise-up-and-take-back-sgor-for-the-ummah/
