A fight Singapore cannot win


There are many more Singaporean registered cars plying the Causeway than those of Malaysia. I believe it will still be so even if the costs of driving across the Causeway increase by 10 times.

Life of Annie

Some feel that it’s shaping up into another tit-for-tat between Malaysia and Singapore.

Senior blogger Apanama is apparently one of them. You can read his take on the matter here,

Singapore threatens Malaysia… again?

I’m on the other hand believe that it is not going to be the case.

This is so because I believe the Singaporeans are not stupid.

My bet is that there are many more Singaporean registered cars plying the Causeway than those of Malaysia.

I believe it will still be so even if the costs of driving across the Causeway increase by 10 times.

So, if there is an increase in toll charges on their side, the ones who are going to bear the brunt will mostly be Singaporeans, not Malaysians.

Singaporeans simply just need the space Malaysia provides.

As I had previously argued, Malaysians who will mostly suffer from the toll hike are only those who drive to work in the island republic.

As for all those vegetables lorries and other Malaysian vehicles carrying essential goods into the republic, any additional cost due to the toll hike will likely be passed on to Singaporean consumers.

In short, if there is going to be a tit-for-tat over the cost of traveling across the Causeway, the Singaporeans are the ones who are going to be worse off.

I believe the Malaysian government had taken this into account before deciding on imposing the VEP and additional toll charges at the Causeway.

Read more at: http://lifeofaannie.blogspot.com/2014/07/a-fight-singapore-cannot-win.html
