A Case of The Nose not Pointed, The Cheeks are Pushed Outwards


This isn’t about PAS. This is about PKR. It is not open for any PAS leader to question the judgment of PKR on Khalid

Sakmongkol AK47

This thing about Khalid Ibrahim and PAS’s conduct as being one of the nose not pointed, the cheeks being pushed forward. ( hidung tak mancung, pipi tersorong sorng).

Let me begin by saying that PAS is a valued partner within the PR fraternity. Its leadership, by and large consist of leaders with keen integrity and truthful people. We value PAS for its commitment to principles, the discipline of its members, the integrity and sincerity of its leaders. The conduct of its leaders and most of its members is exemplary. We can count on PAS a loyal comrade. If we leave them behind to guard our fort and city, we can be sure they don’t turn around, seize the city and drive us out.

Having said that, I am not going overboard to confer upon PAS members superhuman qualities more that they deserved. They eat, sleep, go to the toilets just as we do;  we dont know what is in their hearts.  THey may have thick faces and blackened hearts. Its only through action and conduct do we judge them.  For example, PAS’s DR Zuhdi may appear as pious as other PAS leader, but lately his action has revealed a darker side.  The typical PAS member can also lie, not tell the truth, conspire like any other. They can also go back on their words.  Dont believe me?

When Semangat 46 helped PAS to win Kelantan, PAS promised the post of Deputy MB to Semangat. After elections, PAS went on to appoint a deputy MB from their side thus reneging on a promise. When Semangat 46 complained, almost like an afterthought and damage control action, PAS created a Deputy MB 2 post. Well, deputy MB and Deputy MB2 is not the same thing, is it?  So please keep this holier than thou image to yourselves.

And know this too. Members and leaders of religious based movements also display these characteristics.  For that matter, members and leaders of religious fraternity not Islamic can also be described in the manner I just did. Within the circle of Islamic movements, their leaders and members too have the same characteristics. What separates PAS from dakwah groups or Islamic fraternity and collegiate groups, is that PAS is a political party. The means, it aspires to capture power.

So, all these qualities must be leavened with political acumen and political wisdom. Unless PAS no longer wants to be a member of the PR Family, it must not think it is a party of Islamic missionaries. It must choose to be part of a bigger entity that can replace the corrupt BN government or it can opt to become a regional party controlling a single state such as Kelantan. You want to be a village champion or you want national presence where you can cultivate wider allegiance to your cause?

So if the conservatives in PAS continue to bully its partners with their misplaced and conceited over-estimation of their importance PAS will suffer these things:-

PAS will be reduced to a regional based party, shouting and wailing from the fringes. Eventually they will be viewed as religious fanatics on the fringe of political mainstream.

Read more at: http://sakmongkol.blogspot.com/2014/07/a-case-of-nose-not-pointed-cheeks-are.html

