Enough of racist policies


Stop all the racist policies and implement ANTI RACISM ACT urgently

Saravanan, Hindu Human Rights Organization (Hindhor) Belgium

I would like to remind Mr.PM and IGP that Malaysia got independence by mutual understanding of the three main races. All three races should be treated equally by the Malaysian Government. Tunku and Abdul Razak Hussein requested and assured the Reid Commission that the Malay special position would be implemented “only for 15 years, between 1957 and 1972, and after that all citizens shall be treated with equal status.”

The Umno-led government later manipulated and colluded with the British to make the provisions in Article 153, which governs the Malay special position which is against the submissions and undertakings of the Reid Commission.

The country’s citizens and the world are watching how every case has been manipulated and delayed to act for the favor of one race. Favoring wrong-doers is not a religious act or constitutional law.

The citizens of Malaysia are becoming fed up with the current ruling system. UMNO-led government with the knowledge of PM funds racist organizations to target the Non-Muslims. This has been disclosed by NGOs. Mr.PM please let us know what you are trying to do with this country and by funding racist NGOs?

* Recently a road bully woman was given priority in radio channels with the knowledge of the government and an UMNO-funded NGO collected funds for the wrong-doer who was charged in court. You watched this and zero action was taken.

* On 17 July 2014 a Nezha deity statue standing more than 10 metres tall at a temple in Kampung Tembioh, Johor, was taken down because your party (UMNO) youth members weren’t happy but the temple existed before Independence.

* On 10th July 2014 an ustad from SK Port Dickson hit an 8 year old girl with a shoe. As per normal, the teacher was transferred to another school but no arrest was made even though it was a clear child abuse case. PDRM, where is your action in this case?

*On 22nd July 2014 a police investigation officer wrote in his Facebook that Indians are PARIA and threatened to demolish Hindu temples. The police officer by the name Ahmad Tarmizi was transferred as per normal and PDRM failed to arrest him for being threatening and seditious.

* On 28th July 2014 an ustaz (Shahul Hamid) insulted Hindu Gods and Goddesses at the same time he was stirring racial sentiments such as Muslims should not buy Indian products in Malaysia. Responsible citizens of the country have made more than 100 police reports around the country yet no arrest was made even though you have enough evidence.

We Malaysians are not surprised by your policies. This has been carrying on since Tun Dr. Mahathir’s era. We are also used to the idea of the home minister, AG and IGP teaming up to sideline the marginalized communities in Malaysia. Enough is enough; stop  all your racist policies urgently. By funding and keeping silent on every racist act by individuals and Malay NGOs will not bring harmony or extra support for your ruling government.

Malaysians need an ANTI RACISM ACT urgently. If you fail to announce this soon we will conclude that the whole team of UMNO, IGP, AG and Racist NGOs are working against the peaceful and harmony marginalized community.

