It is now water under the bridge


If it was Anwar why is he making deals with an Umno Minister to torpedo the Pakatan Rakyat State Government of Selangor? If it was not Anwar who arranged that meeting then who was it? Wahid has to reveal this person’s name so that we will know who is this person who is collaborating with Umno and is working against the state’s interest.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Faekah Husin

(The Rakyat Post) – DAP Raub MP Datuk Mohd Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz has been rapped by Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim’s former political secretary and Menteri Besar Inc chief executive Faekah Husin (pic above).

Faekah was responding in the absence of Khalid, who is in Hong Kong, after Ariff yesterday posted on his blog, SakmongkolAK47, that it was shameful of the Menteri Besar to not follow Parti Keadilan Rakyat’s (PKR) orders to step down.

Faekah said that it could also be said that it was shameful for someone, apparently referring to PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, to name his wife, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, as the next Menteri Besar.

“The same applies to the person who announced that his wife will be the next Menteri Besar.

“Sakmongkol does not understand the Selangor Constitution especially in the appointment of the Menteri Besar, the rules, ethics and the conventions.

“It is true that Khalid is not directly appointed by the rakyat (people), but he (Ariff) must also remember it is not PAS, DAP or PKR’s absolute right,” she said.

She said Ariff was also wrong in saying that Khalid had lost in the party’s election.

She said that even though the voting for the deputy president’s post was still on going, Khalid had obtained more than a third of the votes.

She also said that at the divisional level, they questioned the result, as it was too convenient that that there had been a blackout at Tropicana.

“Sakmongkol is still full of Umno DNA when he says there is no need to ask what Khalid did wrong but PAS, in particular president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang and spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat just have to accept PKR’s decision.

“That is totally out of the spirit of “reformasi” (reformation) let alone Syariah compliance,” she said, referring to the movement started by Anwar when he was removed as Deputy Prime Minister.


The Kajang Move was meant to remove Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim soon after Hari Raya, which is about now, so that they can block him from signing the water agreement with the Federal Government. That is a bit too late now because Khalid just signed it this afternoon. Hence removing him will not do much good any longer.

The plan to remove Khalid and replace him with Anwar Ibrahim was made about a year or so ago. And this is what the Kajang Move was really all about, as Anwar and Rafizi Ramli both admit.

That would mean the plan was mooted just about three months or thereabouts after the May 2013 general election. However, just three months before that, PKR, DAP and PAS individually signed letters (three letters in all), which were submitted to His Royal Highness the Sultan of Selangor nominating Khalid for the post of Menteri Besar.

PKR, DAP and PAS did not submit three names. They submitted just one name, Khalid Ibrahim. And all three parties were unanimous on this one name. So what happened in just three months for PKR (or rather Anwar) to want to do a U-turn?

It could not have been the Bible issue. That exploded only in 2014, mid-2014 to be exact when the AG made his ruling. It could not have been Kidex, which also exploded around the same time when the ‘No to Kidex’ movement was launched. Hence it can only be the water agreement, which was being finalised around the same time that the Kajang Move was being planned.

Khalid Ibrahim has to come clean on this matter. Did Anwar try to pressure him regarding the SPLASH water concession, which was being offered only 10% of what they were asking for?

Abdul Wahid Omar, the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in-charge of the Economic Planning Unit, must also come clean. Was it Anwar who brought Wan Azmi Wan Hazmah to meet him on 22nd July to try to enlist the federal government’s help in pressuring the Selangor government to agree to pay SPLASH RM2.5 billion instead of RM250 million?

If it was Anwar why is he making deals with an Umno Minister to torpedo the Pakatan Rakyat State Government of Selangor? If it was not Anwar who arranged that meeting then who was it? Wahid has to reveal this person’s name so that we will know who is this person who is collaborating with Umno and is working against the state’s interest.

Anyway, the agreement has been signed today so there is nothing Wahid or Anwar can do about the matter unless they want to violate that agreement. And even if Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail takes over as Menteri Besar she will have to honour the agreement.

Khalid has increased Selangor’s reserves from RM800 million to RM3 billion. That is a gain of RM2.2 billion. He also saved the state another RM2.25 billion on the water concession agreement.

And Khalid’s greatest sin is he is keeping that money in the bank and refuses to hand it over to the party so that they can use it for political purposes. Maybe they can wait until 2018 when the new government is formed, which by that time Selangor’s reserves may already be RM5 billion or more, and then grab the money and spend it like there is no tomorrow.

water agreement 1

water agreement 2

