Please be transparent, PKR!

Mohd Nasri Abdul Rahim

It was a historic thrashing by the people against BN’s campaign to recapture Selangor. Now, all of sudden, he is a villain?

Mohd Nasri Abdul Rahim

In the last general election, the Pakatan election campaign boasted of Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim’s success in managing Selangor and improving it greatly compared to the previous administration.

Various billboards tell of various successes and that people are greatly happy with such accomplishments. Pakatan was rewarded with 8 extra seats in that election. It was a historic thrashing by the people against BN’s campaign to recapture Selangor. Now, all of sudden, he is a villain?

These are the frequently raised excuses given pertaining to the need to remove Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim:

1. Failure to control both MAIS and JAIS on their Malay/Iban Bible seizure;

2. Cooperating with BN-ruled Federal Government on Langat 2 water treatment plant;

3. Going against the spirit of Pakatan’s Election Manifesto for allowing new tolled highways in Selangor.

The first issue can be resolved if the Selangor State Assembly amends the relevant state laws and enactments related to the issue. MAIS and JAIS is an enforcement agency that simply follows the letters of law laid in the Selangor Non-Islamic Religion Enactment 1988. It is outrageous to blame the MB for “not doing enough” on the matter when the responsible body, the state assembly, did nothing on this matter. Since the law is still valid, it must be enforced. If PKR and DAP is unhappy about it, use the proper legislative process available to them to rectify the issue.

The second issue, I think, is paramount to ensure the security of water supply to Selangorians. It is pathetic to see people suffer from water supply disruption on a frequent basis. With rapid growth in the Klang Valley and an aging water supply infrastructure, I wonder how long the current infrastructure can support the increasing demand for water? I actually don’t see much problem in Selangor’s side since Langat 2 is a Federal Government financed project.

If folks in PKR found any evidence of corruption, report it and expose it to the public like you did on various issues before. Other than blaming the MB for working with the Federal Government on the issue, I haven’t seen any viable alternative solution for the problem offered. I’ve read ideas like procuring water from Sungai Perak and Sungai Selangor estuary, but then, why waste time and resources already spent on the old solution of Langat 2? That project is funded with taxpayers money. Punishing Langat 2 is punishing us taxpayers to pay even more for the delay. Even Lim Guan Eng struck a deal with the Federal Government in Penang to expand the Mengkuang Dam. It is not an issue, right (making a deal with BN)?

The last issue that is frequently highlighted is on the new KIDEX Highway, where the PKR fellas said the MB betrayed the electorates’ trust by approving a toll highway in Selangor against the spirit of the Buku Jingga Manifesto which promises abolition of all toll. Again, Lim Guan Eng did the exact same thing with his undersea tunnel; it is not a big deal too, right?

I think PKR owe us all a decent explanation. If Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim is a bad MB for failing to hold a public consultation on the KIDEX project, shouldn’t you, PKR, convince us the public that replacing the current MB is unrelated to PKR’s internal politics and a real necessity for us, the Rakyat? For ordinary people like us, it seems like an internal party problem gone out of control and another excuse to justify nepotism.

To be fair, PKR should list down the problem with the current Menteri Besar publicly and allow him to answer each issue raised. Let us, the people, hear and decide! What is good for PKR is not necessarily good for us, the people. Being transparent would be the best solution for PKR to convince us the public to be with you on this issue.
