PAS faction putting party in peril

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The unity government faction in PAS is having another go at brokering a deal with Barisan Nasional like it did on March 9, 2008 after results of the general election were announced

Selena Tay, Free Malaysia Today

PAS will lose all credibility and voters’ trust if it decides to form a unity government with Umno in Selangor because of its unwavering stand on certain issues.

Will the grassroots members agree to a unity government and what does PAS hope to gain?

PAS has always stressed that they can work in matters of mutual interest but will not team up with Umno.

Has the party forgotten its “PAS For All” and “welfare state” agendas? Were these slogans just empty rhetoric to garner votes from non-Muslims in the past two general elections?

And most of all, has PAS forgotten about the Perak incident where PAS Menteri Besar Nizar Jamaluddin was undemocratically booted out of office five years ago?

It is, however, widely known that views of the grassroots are not important in PAS, according to a PKR political analyst, because they will just follow what the clerics decide.

What about the views of the moderates then? The views of the clerics far outweigh that of the professionals.

There are at least 13 moderates, including PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu, Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad and Youth chief Mahfuz Omar.

Harakah newsletter editor Ahmad Lutfi Othman is also a moderate. The unity government faction has accused Ahmad of using the newsletter to side with moderates in last year’s Muktamar.


