DAP cannot act for the victims and the accused


(FMT) – Gobind Singh Deo, son of the late Karpal Singh and chairman of DAP’s National Legal Bureau said assisting C. Selvam in his case was impossible as DAP is assisting the victims instead.

Gobind said DAP will offer legal assistance to and act for the families of its late chairman Karpal Singh, his aide the late Michael Cornelius and his maid, Indonesian national Selfiana Rengga in the trial of C. Selvam who is charged with dangerous and reckless driving resulting in their deaths and injuries on April 17 this year.

“I will lead a team of lawyers, which will be formed for this purpose. We will hold a watching brief in the Sessions Court in Kampar and also file the necessary civil suits in the matter thereafter if necessary,” Gobind explained.

“It is unfortunate that some quarters have thought it fit to politicise the matter and criticise and condemn publicly the family of the late Karpal Singh and the DAP for failing to assist C. Selvam in this case,” he added.

He said the criticisms were sorely misplaced and that what happened to the victims was most horrific. He also said nothing could soothe the pain and grief of the families and those affected in the incident.

Taking a swipe at those who criticised DAP and his family, Gobind said, “There have been calls for justice for the accused in this case. We hope there will be justice for the victims in this case as well.

“The Attorney-General has thought it fit to prosecute C. Selvam in this case. We will leave it to him to prosecute and the court to decide the fate of C. Selvam.

“If C. Selvam is found to have committed no wrong, then he must be cleared. But if he is found to have committed an offence, he must like everyone else who are subject to the laws of Malaysia, face the necessary consequences,” Gobind added.
