Pakatan ready to face snap polls, says Anwar

Anwar Ibrahim

(The Star) – Pakatan Rakyat is ready to face the electorate in snap polls in the event one is called, said opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (pic).

In a statement on Tuesday, Anwar said that while there were no objective reasons for such an election, he was confident that the people would vote in the opposition pact again.

Anwar said he was confident that the leadership crisis plaguing Selangor could be resolved amicably in the “true Pakatan spirit” either through a smooth transition, vote of no-confidence or even, snap elections.

In the May 8 General Elections last year, Pakatan won 44 state seats in Selangor with Barisan Nasional winning the remainder 12 seats.

Pakatan is currently facing a tough test as the Selangor Mentri Besar crisis plays out.

While PKR have officially backed Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail to take over the Mentri Besar’s post currently held by Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, PAS’ senior leaders have publicly said that they do not see any need for Khalid to be replaced.

Khalid has previously said that he will not step down although he does not have the backing of his party.

The issue is seen as a litmus test for Pakatan, with some even predicting the split up of the opposition pact.

Anwar said that the Pakatan leadership had an understanding as to whose call it was to appoint the Mentri Besar, just as they had respected the right of other parties to make that decision in other states.

“That understanding must be adhered to,” said Anwar.

Anwar also said that Pakatan would not break up over the Mentri Besar issue but it can and will break up if its component parties compromise on core principles of integrity, transparency and accountability in government.

“It was on these principles that Pakatan Rakyat was formed to provide an alternative choice of government for the people,” he said.

He added that Pakatan was built on commitment and conviction and it was this strength that had propelled the coalition partners to fight side-by-side in the last elections.

Anwar said the coalition must therefore consolidate this strength to remain together and resist all attempts to break it apart.

“Each member party of the coalition must therefore respect collective decisions made after consultation. Failure to respect and honour this principle of adherence may warrant some difficult decisions to be made,” he said.

Anwar also added that they were equally concerned at the divisive and racist tone by some minor Pakatan leaders that “completely violated” the core values of the coalition.

“We believe the appropriate disciplinary action should be directed against such members,” he said.

He said that any tough decisions made will be in the best interests of the rakyat and for the sake of the rakyat.

“Whether or not we lose support for the stand we take, we will be forever committed to the goal of a just, corruption-free and truly democratic Malaysia,” he said.

