ABU kicked out Saifuddin Abdullah for Ustaz Nasrudin Hassan


Indeed, his defeat in Temerloh was not only a loss for Saifuddin but very much so for liberalism because the PAS member who replaced him as the MP for Temerloh has been none other than Ustaz Nasrudin Hassan At-Tantawi.

Ktemoc Konsiders

You know, much as I respect, nay, even love Brother Haris Ibrahim, I don’t his ABU concept and campaign because I believe there have been a few good people in UMNO, and ABU had indiscriminately hurt them to our great loss.

Though I understand where Brother Haris was coming from in his ABU campaign, there is a Chinese saying that ‘one shouldn’t swipe everyone down with a single stroke of the bamboo’, meaning one shouldn’t machine-gun a crowd down like what the Israelis have been doing to the Palestinians, killing babies and children indiscriminately.

Hurting indiscriminately! That has been what happened in ABU-ing in the 2013 general elections.

At least in a perverse and very evil way, the Israelis have been doing it deliberately in their indiscriminate attacks, with single-minded purpose to kill as many Palestinians as possible so as to intimidate the surviving victims a la the Nazi way of punishing the group until they can be cowed into total submission to Ketuanan Israeli.

But back here in Malaysia, even if we hate UMNO for their corruption and racist arrogance, we shouldn’t punish good UMNO members like, for example, Saifuddin Abdullah.

One of the most liberal and fair-minded UMNO members, Saifuddin unfortunately became a victim of the ABU campaign in the 2013 general elections where he lost his Temerloh seat to a PAS member.

TMI described Saifuddin Abdullah as follows:


The poster boy for moderation, Saifuddin is highly popular with Malaysians for his liberal views, and is considered a breath of fresh air compared with his Umno colleagues.

However, his popularity did not save him in the Temerloh parliamentary seat, which he lost to PAS’s Nasrudin Hassan.

The former deputy higher education minister, known to call a spade a spade, has even criticised his own party and Putrajaya over the handling of the electoral reform rallies organised by Bersih. He has alsp ticked off the government, saying it would lose “in moral terms” if it appealed a court ruling that declared a law barring students from politics to be in breach of the Federal Constitution.

Saifuddin is now the chief executive officer of the Global Movement of Moderates and is often invited to speak at forums organised by civil society groups.

Indeed, his defeat in Temerloh was not only a loss for Saifuddin but very much so for liberalism because the PAS member who replaced him as the MP for Temerloh has been none other than Ustaz Nasrudin Hassan At-Tantawi.

Do you know who he is?


