Gameplan – Get rid of Khalid


Haris Ibrahim

A week back, Sivaji ( not his real name ) contacted me.

It had been quite a while since we last spoke, and I knew that he had been quite involved  in PKR.

He asked if we could meet.

I told him that I was quite pressed for time given my Negara-Ku and ABU work, and asked if there was anything urgent.

He replied that he was quite exasperated with this whole Khalid fiasco and the goings-on in PKR for some time.

He started to pour out his heart, but I stopped him.

“What do you want me to do with whatever you are going to tell me?”, I asked.

If you believe what I am about to tell you, you can write about it and put it up on your blog.”,  he replied.

“I know you well enough to trust you. This is what I will do. You write up whatever you want to tell me in a way that will not require me to do too much editing. After I have read it, if I think people have a right to know what you have written to me, I will publish it on my blog.”, I told Sivaji.

I received Sivaji’s story in the mail today.

It bore the same title as this post, and it appears below, with the minimal of editing.


