Questions about Selangor

joceline selangor

Tay Tian Yan, My Sinchew

To enhance your understanding of Selangor politics, I have come out with the following questions and the suggested answers.

There are no standard answers to the questions for fear this will aggravate social polarisation and confrontation.

1. Why do you think Selangor may soon have another election?

a. Because Selangor is more democratic than the other state, and the voters need not wait for five years to cast their votes.

b. Capture Selangor one more time so that Pakatan can take Putrajaya.

c. PKR needs the Selangor people to help resolve its own problems.

d. To test whether PAS would really withdraw from Pakatan Rakyat.

2. Why must Khalid be replaced?

a. Because he has integrity issue, like most politicians.

b. Because he does not have integrity issue, unlike most politicians.

c. Because he ignores public opinions.

d. Because he ignores party opinions.

3. Why does PAS’ stand contradicts with PKR’s?

a. Because PKR has transformed from a party that did not bother a lot about “integrity” to one that absolutely upholds “integrity.”

b. Because PAS has transformed from a party that absolutely upheld “integrity” to one that does not bother a lot about “integrity”

c. The standards of “integrity” defer from one individual to another.

d. In politics, “integrity” is but a joke and a lie.

4. About Khalid’s “six sins”

a. PKR decides to replace Khalid because of his “six sins.”

b. Because Khalid defies the party’s decision to have him replaced, so he has the “six sins.”

c. It is not difficult to incriminate a person if you really want to.

d. We used to have the “50 reasons why Anwar could not be PM,” and now we have the “six reasons why Khalid cannot be MB.”

5. How Selangor residents can benefit from the replacement of Khalid Ibrahim?

a. The confiscated Bible will be returned.

b. No more water rationing in the state in future.

c. Selangor’s garbage issue will be solved; so will the dengue problem.

d. Kidex and DASH expressway projects will be cancelled.

6. How will PKR benefit from the Khalid’s removal?

a. PKR’s administrative power will be consolidated.

b. Family politics will be sustained.

c. More flexible use of the state’s RM3 billion reserve.

d. Anwar will get another advisor post.

7. Why does Khalid refuse to step down?

a. Because he has not done anything wrong.

b. Because his party does not want him to step down in dignity.

c. Because Anwar also refused to step down when he was the DPM.

d. Because he has yet to marry off his daughter (Sorry, a mistake. I mean the former Terengganu MB).

8. How to resolve the Selangor MB crisis?

a. Hold fresh state election and let the people decide.

b. The state legislative assembly will vote to decide.

c. The Sultan will decide.

d. Kak Wan and Khalid Ibrahim will be the co-MB’s.

9. What can we learn from the Selangor MB crisis?

a. Don’t ever trust politicians.

b. Party comrades are not permanent; interests are.

c. What once happened to Anwar is now extended to Khalid.

d. What once happened in Umno is now happening to PKR.

