Ridiculous attacks by Lawyers For Liberty, N. Surendran and Latheefa Koya

Yudistra Darma Dorai

Yudistra Darma Dorai, LOYARBUROK

This is in relation to the personal attacks against Khalid’s lawyers by N. Surendran and Latheefa Koya. Politician members of the Bar who personally attack individual lawyers simply for taking briefs defending clients and filing suits.

I’ve long bit my tongue on commenting on the intellectually-challenged Surendran and Koya. Just because they are fellow lawyers. But, no longer.

Their comments (in Surendran’s case, cowardly re-tweets) are, in essence, that Khalid Ibrahim’s lawyers are incompetent, unprincipled and some kind of traitors.

Lawyers are disinterested in their case. We take briefs. We advise, then leave it to the client to decide. It’s not our fight. We are little more than mouthpieces or ‘presentation tools’.

As for the person(s) behind Lawyers For Liberty, it’s a clear case of not having skin in the game. You don’t practice real law, you’re activists (being generous there), not lawyers. What do you know of the ethics of legal practice?

That Liberty lot said, essentially, that it’s okay to sue Utusan Malaysia but not The Malaysian Insider. Liberty huh? These chaps have no clue of the import, the meaning, the historical weight behind the word “liberty”. (And, I’ve not forgotten the time you posted an ignorant comment about how I handled the EO 6 habeas corpus).

Back to the PKR twins, I’ve no issue with your political comments. But, don’t attack your fellow members of the Bar personally.

