Selangor MB crisis: PKR, DAP reject sacking of exco members


(The Star) – DAP and PKR will not accept the sacking of their five executive councillors in the Selangor state government.

DAP secretary general Lim Guan Eng said the two parties felt the move by Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim was unethical and “does not respect the spirit and principle of democracy, and ignores the mandate given by the rakyat.”

His comments came soon after Khalid’s office sent termination letters to exco members Dr Daroyah Alwi and Elizabeth Wong from PKR and Datuk Teng Chang Khim, V. Ganabatirau and Ean Yong Hian Wah from the DAP.

The move comes after the Selangor Palace consented to Khalid’s request that the exco members be sacked.

Khalid has said that he had not request for the sacking of welfare and women’s issues exco Rodziah Ismail because she was not in the country.

Lim said Khalid was appointed as Mentri Besar to govern Selangor for Pakatan Rakyat and not in his personal capacity.

“He is not the Mentri Besar his name is Khalid Ibrahim,” Lim told a press conference at the PKR headquarters after senior leaders of both parties met to discuss the ongoing crisis.

Lim said he had contacted PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali to urge the leadership to stand in solidarity with the sacked exco members.

All four PAS exco members have said that they would continue to support Khalid according to the leadership’s request.

“I have asked that their four executive council members not to turn up to tomorrow’s exco meeting.

“To me there is a need to show solidarity because PAS is part of Pakatan Rakyat,” said Lim.

Lim questioned how Khalid could claim to have the majority support of 28 assemblymen.

“Pakatan Rakyat has 28 assemblymen. Khalid needs 29 or more, not 28 to say he has the support of the majority,” said Lim.

PKR leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said he was “absolutely certain” that all Pakatan Rakyat assemblymen would not defect in support of Khalid.

“I am 100% sure they will not defect. They are all upstairs,” said Anwar.

Teng told the press conference that all those who had been sacked do not recognise the sacking.

“Under the Selangor State Constitution, the Sultan appoints the Executive Council on the advice of the Mentri Besar. Therefore, only the Sultan has the power to sack,” he said.

Asked whether the six would attend the exco meeting, Teng said they would report to office as usual but “we will stay in our offices as we have a lot of work to do as executive council members.”

He urged his PAS counterparts not to “legitimise” Wednesday’s exco meeting by attending it.

Teng also questioned Khalid’s claim that the sacking of the exco members was in accordance with procedures.

“In the letter given to us, Khalid said the Sultan had consented to sack us, but at a later press conference, Khalid said he would be seeking an audience with the Sultan,” said Teng.

He also pointed out Khalid was in his office the whole day while he (Teng) received the termination letter at 5.30pm.

“Khalid did not leave his office today. Is the Sultan a phone call away,” said Teng.

